Short-term load forecasting double seasonal ARIMA methods: An evaluation based on Mahakam-East Kalimantan data
2020 |
Dinata, Syalam Ali Wira |
Neural fuzzy regression modelling for forecasting
2020 |
Ulama, Brodjol S. S. |
Stationary process in GSTAR(1;1) through kernel function approach
2020 |
Yundari, Yundari |
Balance of soft skills and hard skills: Development of subject specific pedagogic based on heuristic strategy with character contents in learning
2020 |
Darma, Yudi |
Development of problem based learning based on ethnomatematics to support students’ mathematics literacy ability and self-confidence
2020 |
Buyung, Buyung |
Development of anxiety instruments of Singkawang city elementary school students on mathematical learning
2020 |
Nurhayati, Nurhayati |
Need analysis for developing applied mathematics textbooks based on blended learning to improve problem solving abilities at the students of polytechnic state of Bali
2020 |
Darma, I. Ketut |
Classification of mathematical reasoning competencies based on mathematical problem solving in elementary school
2020 |
Rachmaningtyas, Nur Anisyah |
Rainbow vertex connection number of square, glue, middle and splitting graph of brush graph
2020 |
Helmi, Helmi |
Rings of Morita context which are Krull orders
2020 |
Dahoklory, Novita |
Szemerédi's regularity lemma application on 3-term arithmetic progression
2020 |
Tarigan, Regina Ayunita |
Simulations of shallow water equations by finite difference WENO schemes with multilevel time discretization
2020 |
Prayitno, Dwisunu |
Solve nonlinear equation systems using midpoint Newton method
2020 |
Hidayah, Fitri Nur |
Green's function of the electric potential equation
2020 |
Susanti, Resti Julia |
Forecasting dengue fever cases using autoregressive distributed lag model with outlier factor
2020 |
Huda, Nur'ainul Miftahul |
A parameter estimation of survival model under Bayesian SELF approach to calculate k-years endowment premium
2020 |
Rizki, Setyo Wira |
Building bridges through mathematics
2020 |
Balmaceda, Jose Maria P. |
Improve student mathematical communication ability through the development of geometry instructional device based on Van Hiele's theory
2020 |
Musdi, Edwin |
Characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues of antiadjacency matrix of directed cyclic dumbbell graph with cycles of different sizes
2020 |
Budiyanto, Sandi |
Some preserved properties related to basic idealizers
2020 |
Khoirunnisa, Kholida |