IEC/TC 56 : 25 Years of International Co-operation
1990 |
International Co-operation and National Activities for the "International Exchange of Authenticated Electronic Component Performance Text Data" in Japan
1990 |
OKAMOTO, Hideo |
Reliability Improvement through Reliability Prediction
1990 |
Debnath, N. K. |
Influence on Semiconductor Devices by the Flux Cleaning Solvent Replacing CFC
1990 |
A Study of the Adhesive Strength Concerned with Power Semiconductor Electrode
1990 |
Moisture Resistance of Flat Chip Linear Positive Temperature. Coefficient Resistors ( FCLPTCR ) and Its Evaluation within Short Time Period
1990 |
HOSODA, Katsuhiro |
A Study on the Reliability of Soldering of the Surface Mount Device-The 2nd Report
1990 |
Strength and Reliability of Silicon Nitride Turbocharger Rotor for High Performance Automotive Engines
1990 |
KAWAMOTO, Hiroshi |
In-service Degradation Material Data Base and Their Reliability Analysis of Steam Turbine Components
1990 |
INUKAI, Takao |
Statistics on Thermal Properties of Carbon Phenol Composite Material
1990 |
EGUCHI, Akihiro |
IRAT (Integrated Reliability Analysis Tool) a New RAMCAD Tool
1990 |
On Component Improvement and System Reliability Increase
1990 |
XIE, Min |
Development of a Preventive Maintenance Support System for Control Rod Drive Mechanisms
1990 |
OHTSUKA, Hisao |
The Techniques for Achieving Space Quality EEE Parts
1990 |
Assurance Technology and Liability Prevention
1990 |
BALL, Leslie W. |
Navigation in the Documantation of Huge System
1990 |
LAC, Chidang |
Reliability, Maintainability, Quality Assurance, and Safety Activities for the United States Space Program
1990 |
RODNEY, George A. |
Some Discussion on Common Cause Failure
1990 |
NONAKA, Yasuıo |
Human Error Analysis of Man-Machine Systems Using Petri Nets
1990 |
KOHDA, Takehisa |
Simulation of Lifetimes and Acceleration Factors for Electromigration in IC'S
1990 |
UEKUSA, Genzo |