The Perpetuation of the Morisco Community of Granada : Their Networks in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond
2015 |
Fernandez-Chaves, Manuel M. |
L ̒esilio del popolo ebraico nelle Prevenciones divinas di Isaac Orobio de Castro nel suo dialogo con Philip Van Limborch
2015 |
Silvera, Myriam |
2015 |
Tavim, José Alberto Rodrigues da Silva |
Comparing Minorities of converso Origin in Early Modern Spain : Uses of Language, Writing and Translation
2015 |
García-Arenal, Mercedes |
Muslims in the Portuguese Kingdom : Between Permanence and Diaspora
2015 |
Barros, Maria Filomena Lopes de |
Humanism in the Thought of Isaac and Judah Abravanel
2015 |
Gluck, Andrew |
From the House of David to the Tribe of Levi : The Concept of Nobility among Communities of Sephardic Origin
2015 |
Tavares, Maria José Pimenta Ferro |
Mouriscos e escrita : cartas em árabe de cativos marroquinos
2015 |
Khawli, Abdallah |
"LUZO vem de LUZ lugar amigo/de Deos" : Messianismo Judaico e Tradição Cabalística em Manuel Bocarro Francês e Rosales (c. 1588-1662)
2015 |
Silva, Sandra N. |
Mobilidade e alteridade : quadros do quotidiano dos cristãos-novos sefarditas
2015 |
Tavares, Maria José Pimenta Ferro |
Back from Portugal : A Fifteenth Century Castilian-Born Reconciled New Christian Says his Prayers in the Hebrew Language
2015 |
Meyhuas Ginio, Alisa |
Les "Mouros de sinal" du Portugal au XVIe siècle
2015 |
Boucharb, Ahmed |
Ennoblecimiento de cristianos nuevos portugueses en el siglo XVII
2015 |
Pulido Serrano, Juan Ignacio |
Early Modern Economic Thought and Portuguese-Jewish Self-perception
2015 |
Bodian, Miriam |
El árabe de los moriscos castellanos : ¿Herramienta ritual o vehículo de cohesión socio-cultural?
2015 |
Moreno Díaz del Campo, Francisco J. |
Conversion Theology among Sixteenth-Century Portuguese Jews : Protestant and Islamic Subtexts
2015 |
Wilke, Carsten |
"Dixo un ̒alim" : Cultural Patterns in Late Spanish Islam
2015 |
Pons, Luís Bernabé |