Multi-agent Based Manifold Denoising
2020 |
Mohammadi, Mohammad |
Unified Performance Measure for Binary Classification Problems
2020 |
Redondo, Ana R. |
Under-Actuation Modelling in Robotic Hands via Neural Networks for Sign Language Representation with End-User Validation
2020 |
Gago, for Jennifer J. |
Intelligent Fuzzy Optimized Control for Energy Extraction in Large Wind Turbines
2020 |
Serrano-Barreto, Carlos |
A Recommendation System of Nutrition and Physical Activity for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
2020 |
Godinho, Jodo |
A One-by-One Method for Community Detection in Attributed Networks
2020 |
Shalileh, Soroosh |
Road Patterns Identification and Risk Analysis Based on Machine Learning Framework: Powered Two-Wheelers Case
2020 |
Leyli-abadi, Milad |
A Semi-automatic Object Identification Technique Combining Computer Vision and Deep Learning for the Crosswalk Detection Problem
2020 |
Rubio, Thiago R. P. M. |
Distributed Coordination of Heterogeneous Robotic Swarms Using Stochastic Diffusion Search
2020 |
Osaba, Eneko |
Analysis of Hand-Crafted and Automatic-Learned Features for Glaucoma Detectio Through Raw Cirumpapillary OCT Images
2020 |
García, Gabriel |
Deep Learning in Aeronautics: Air Traffic Trajectory Classification Based on Weather Reports
2020 |
Jiménez-Campfens, Néstor |
Predicting Recuiring Telecommunications Customer Support Problems Using Deep Learning
2020 |
Castro, Vitor |
Pre- and Post-processing on Generative Adversarial Networks for Old Photos Restoration: A Case Study
2020 |
Paspuel, Robinson |
On Analysing Similarity Knowledge Transfer by Ensembles
2020 |
Pereira, Danilo |
Autoencoder Latent Space Influence on IoT MQTT Attack Classification
2020 |
García-Ordás, María Teresa |
A Comparative Analysis Between Crisp and Fuzzy Data Clustering Approaches for Traditional and Bioinspired Algorithms
2020 |
Coradini, Amanda |
Anticipating Maintenance in Telecom Installation Processes
2020 |
Costa, Diana |
Stateful Optimization in Federated Learning of Neural Networks
2020 |
Kiss, Péter |
Talking in Italian About AI with a Chatbot: A Prototype of a Question-Answering Agent
2020 |
Leoni, Chiara |
A Solar Thermal System Temperature Prediction of a Smart Building for Data Recovery and Security Purposes
2020 |
Casteleiro-Roca, José-Luis |