Analysis and Appication of Normalization Methods with Supervised Feature Weighting to Improve K-means Accuracy
2020 |
Niño-Adan, Iratxe |
Deep Learning in Modeling Energy Cost of Buildings in the Public Sector
2020 |
Zekić-Sušac, Marijana |
Predictive Maintenance from Event Logs Using Wavelet-Based Features: An Industrial Application
2020 |
Bonnevay, Stéphane |
A Novel Heuristic Approach for the Simultaneous Selection of the Optimal Clustering Method and Its Internal Parameters for Time Series Data
2020 |
Navajas-Guerrero, Adriana |
Creation of Synthetic Data with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
2020 |
Vega-Márquez, Belén |
Data Selection to Improve Anomaly Detection in a Component-Based Robot
2020 |
Basurto, Nuño |
Concurrent Planning and Scheduling of Heterogeneous Production System. Case Study
2020 |
Skołud, Bożena |
Optimizing a Bi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem Appearing in Industrial Enterprises
2020 |
López-Sánchez, Ana D. |
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control Algorithm for IoT Systems: Smart Building Case Study
2020 |
Casado-Vara, Roberto |
Iterative Learning Control for a Hydraulic Cushion
2020 |
Trojaola, Ignacio |
Indexes to Find the Optimal Number of Clusters in a Hierarchical Clustering
2020 |
Martin-Fernández, José David |
A Study on Trust in Black Box Models and Post-hoc Explanations
2020 |
Burkart, Nadia |
Classifying Excavator Operations with Fusion Network of Multi-modal Deep Learning Models
2020 |
Kim, Jin-Young |
Online Estimation of the State of Health of a Rechargeable Battery Through Distal Learning of a Fuzzy Model
2020 |
Sánchez, Luciano |
Real-Time Big Data Analytics in Smart Cities from LoRa-Based IoT Networks
2020 |
Fernández, Antonio M. |
Search of Extreme Episodes in Urban Ozone Maps
2020 |
Cárdenas-Montes, Miguel |
Ensemble Deep Learning for Forecasting 222Rn Radiation Level at Canfranc Underground Laboratory
2020 |
Cárdenas-Montes, Miguel |
Addressing Low Dimensionality Feature Subset Selection: ReliefF(-k) or Extended Correlation-Based Feature Selection(eCFS)?
2020 |
Tallón-Ballesteros, Antonio J. |
Characteristic of WiFi Network Based on Space Model with Using Turning Bands Co-simulation Method
2020 |
Kamińska-Chuchmala, Anna |
Mobile Architecture for Forest Fire Simulation Using PhyFire-HDWind Model
2020 |
Hérnández, Alejandro |