The relationships between income inequality and economic growth : the case of Kenya
2020 |
Şengür, Mehmet |
The effects of economic freedom on foreign direct investment
2020 |
Altıner, Ali |
The analysis of active portfolio management in emerging markets : Markowitz modern portfolio method
2020 |
Vardari, Luan |
Threshold effect in the inflation-growth nexus : evidence from developing countries
2020 |
Belke, Murat |
Examining the governmental incentive policies for tourism in Turkey by the provinces
2020 |
Topçuoğlu, Özlem |
Tax amnesties and the applications in Turkey
2020 |
Aytekin, İkrabin |
Mental illness, gender, and labor supply
2020 |
Tirgil, Abdullah |
Literature review on "decision fatigue" : example of Google Scholar database
2020 |
Kırpık, Gülşen |
Structural breaks and cointegration analysis of the relationship between international tourism demand and sectoral incomes in Turkey
2020 |
Kırca, Mustafa |
The gravıty model in internatıonal trade flows
2020 |
Mere, Murat |
Remittances and economic growth : a causality analysis for Turkey
2020 |
Türedi, Salıh |
Implementation and functioning of the interest rate corridor (IRC)
2020 |
Canbay, Şerif |
Tekirdağ industry in the early years of the Republic
2020 |
Durmaz, Edip |
The relationship between domestic violence against women and economic development : a comparative analysis
2020 |
Kasa, Hicran |
The applications of two-sample hotelling's t2 test and one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test
2020 |
Tüzüntürk, Selim |
The effects of organizational and professional commitment on the behaviors of auditors working in independent audit firms
2020 |
Özbek, Ali |
A different view on energy supply security : energy vulnerability index for the European Union and Turkey
2020 |
Gökce, Cem |
The impact of geopolitical risks on stock market dynamics : evidence from Turkey
2020 |
Güney, Ethem |
Privatization revenues in Turkey in the period of 1986-2020
2020 |
Akinci, Adil |
Climate change and financial risks
2020 |
Hacıhasanoğlu, Yavuz Selim |