The 'Five Limbs' of the Soul : A Manichaean Motif in Muslim Garb?
2005 |
Crow, Karim Douglas |
Reading al-Ghazālī : The Case of Psychology
2005 |
Heath, Peter |
An Ismaili interpretation of Ibn Sīnā's Qafidat al-Nafs
2005 |
Madelung, Wilferd |
Reason (ʿaql) and Direct Intuition {mushāhada) in the Works of Shihāb al-Din al-Suhrawardī (d. 587/1191)
2005 |
Marcotte, Roxanne D. |
Al-Suhrawardī on Body as Extension : An Alternative to Hylomorphism from Plato to Leibniz
2005 |
Walbridge, John |
The Sciences of Intuition and the Riches of Inspiration : Najm al-Dīn Kubrā in Jāmi's Nafaḥāt al-uns
2005 |
Alexandrin, Elizabeth Ross |
La Vision de Dieu dans l'Onirocritique Musulmane Médiévale
2005 |
Lory, Pierre |
The Faith of Pharaoh : A Disputed Question in Islamic Theology
2005 |
Ormsby, Eric |
2005 |
Lawson, Todd |
Bibliography of the Works of Hermann Landolt
2005 |
Lawson, Todd |
The Rise and Decline of Taqiyya in Twelver Shi'ism
2005 |
Clarke, Lynda |
L'importance du Traité de l'harmonie d'al-Fārābī : ses visées politiques
2005 |
Pironet, Fabienne |
Ayat al-Nūr : A Metaphor for Where We Come From, What We Are and Where We Are Going
2005 |
Hajjaji-Jarrah, Soraya Mahdi |
An Early Ismaili View of Other Religions : A Chapter from the Kitāb al-Iṣlāḥ by Abū Ḥātim al-Rāzī (d. ca. 322/934)
2005 |
Nomoto, Shin |
Miʿrāj al-kalima : de la Risāla Qushayriyya aux Futūḥāt Makkiyya
2005 |
Chodkiewicz, Michel |
The Spiritual Journey in Kubiawī Sufism
2005 |
Lewisohn, Leonard |
Shāh Ṭāhir and Nizārī Ismaili Disguises
2005 |
Daftary, Farhad |
'Le combattant du taʾwīl' : Un poème de Mollā Ṣadrā sur 'Alī (Aspects de l'imamologie duodédmane IX)
2005 |
Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali |
Symphony of Gnosis : A Self-Definition of the Ismaili Ginān Tradition
2005 |
Virani, Shafique N. |
Traditional Philosophy in Iran with Reference to Modern Trends
2005 |
Muḥaqqiq, Mahdī |