Multiple-Precision Arithmetic of Biot-Savart Integrals for Reconnections of Vortex Filaments
2021 |
Lee, Yu-Hsun |
Acceleration of Multiple Precision Matrix Multiplication Based on Multi-component Floating-Point Arithmetic Using AVX2
2021 |
Kouya, Tomonori |
A Study of the Floating-Point Tuning Behaviour on the N-body Problem
2021 |
Khalifa, Dorra Ben |
Object-Oriented Implementation of Algebraic Multi-grid Solver for Lattice QCD on SIMD Architectures and GPU Clusters
2021 |
Kanamori, Issaku |
A Two-Stage Heuristic for a Real Multi-compartment and Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
2021 |
Pena, Catarina |
Optimal Control by Multiple Shooting and Weighted Tchebycheff Penalty-Based Scalarization
2021 |
Ramadas, Gisela C. Vieira |
Assessing the Deployment of Electric Mobility: A Review
2021 |
Gruetzmacher, Sarah B. |
Space in Socio-technical Systems: Exploring the Agent-Space Relation
2021 |
Melone, Maria Rosaria Stufano |
Public Participation with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Assess Safety Perception in Urban Regeneration
2021 |
Esposito, Dario |
Interactive Maps of Chorems Explaining Urban Contexts to Align Smart Community’s Actors
2021 |
Battistoni, Pietro |
The CH2CH2 + OH Gas Phase Reaction: Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde Formation Routes
2021 |
Lombardi, Andrea |
Computing Binding Energies of Interstellar Molecules by Semiempirical Quantum Methods: Comparison Between DFT and GFN2 on Crystalline Ice
2021 |
Germain, Aurèle |
Uptake of e-Scooters in Palermo, Italy: Do the Road Users Tend to Rent, Buy or Share?
2021 |
Campisi, Tiziana |
An Estimation of Emission Patterns from Vehicle Traffic Highlighting Decarbonisation Effects from Increased e-fleet in Areas Surrounding the City of Rzeszow (Poland)
2021 |
Campisi, Tiziana |
Solving the Coarseness Problem by ILP Using Column Generation
2021 |
Sapucaia, Allan |
A New Coding Scheme for Line Segment Clipping in E2
2021 |
Skala, Vaclav |
An Efficient Approach for the Detection of Brain Tumor Using Fuzzy Logic and U-NET CNN Classification
2021 |
Maqsood, Sarmad |
Implementation of Robust Multi-objective Optimization in the Build Orientation Problem
2021 |
Matos, Marina A. |
A Maximal Margin Hypersphere SVM
2021 |
Malha, Rui |
On the Integration of Industrial Data and Analysis with Simulation in a Company of the Cork Sector
2021 |
Mesquita, Catarina |