Exploring Hadron Structure with GPDs at EIC: New Topics in Theory, Experiment, Interpretation
2020 |
Horn, Tanja |
Transition Distribution Amplitudes: From JLab to EIC
2020 |
Szymanowski, Lech |
Form Factors of the Energy-Momentum Tensor
2020 |
Polyakov, Maxim V. |
Model Calculations of Euclidean Correlators
2020 |
Bhattacharya, Shohini |
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering: Status of Experiments at Jefferson Lab and COMPASS
2020 |
Sokhan, Daria |
Transverse Momentum and Transverse Spin
2020 |
Bacchetta, Alessandro |
TMDs Through Jets and Quarkonia
2020 |
Makris, Yiannis |
TMD Phenomenology: Recent Developments in the Global Analyses of Polarized TMDs
2020 |
Boglione, Mariaelena |
Measurements of Transverse-Momentum Distributions in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering
2020 |
Schnell, Gunar |
Introduction for Week III
2020 |
Aschenauer, Elke |
Progress and Prospects of Lattice-QCD Parton Distribution Functions
2020 |
Lin, Huey-Wen |
Hadron Structure and Parton Branching Beyond Collinear Approximations
2020 |
Hautmann, Francesco |
Probing Nuclear Structure with Future Colliders
2020 |
Hobbs, Timothy J. |
Probing Nuclear Gluons with Heavy Flavor Production at EIC
2020 |
Furletova, Yulia |
GPDs from Meson Electroproduction and Applications
2020 |
Kroll, Peter |
Experimental Investigations of Hadron Structure
2020 |
Horn, Tanja |
Lorentz Invariance Relations for Twist-3 Quark Distributions
2020 |
Aslan, Fatma P. |
Probing Gluon Sivers Function in Inelastic Photoproduction of J/ψ at the EIC
2020 |
Kishore, Raj |
Jet TMDs
2020 |
Liu, Xiaohui |
TMDs and Fragmentation Functions in e+e- - and Relation to the EIC
2020 |
Seidl, Ralf |