An archaeological approach to the study of European beaver and their sigificance in past wetland ecosystems
2003 |
Coles, Bryony |
Improving the picture of prehistoric settlement distribution by systmatic prospection
2003 |
Gerken, Klaus |
Bog-bodies in Lower Saxony - rumours and facts : an analysis of Alfred Dieck's sources of information
2003 |
Eisenbeiß, Sabine |
Analysis and conservation of perishable from Windover Bog, Florida
2003 |
Adovasio, James M. |
The wise use of peatlands : the backgrounds and principles of the IPS/IMCG approach
2003 |
Joosten, Hans |
An archaeological approach to the study of European beaver and their significance in past wetland ecosystems
2003 |
Coles, Bryony |
Geophysical investigation od peatlands and related archaeological sites
2003 |
Patzelt, Arno E. |
The bog-finds from South Scandinavia
2003 |
Ilkjaer, Joergen |
Ecology and vegetation of peatlands
2003 |
Dierßen, Klaus |
Plants to live and for our well-being
2003 |
Falkenberg, Hartmut |
Diepholzer Moorniederung - a natural region
2003 |
Schmatzler, Eckard |
Improving the picture of prehistoric-settlement distribution by systematic prospection
2003 |
Gerken, Klaus |
Re-wetting in the Ochsenmoor Lake Dümmer
2003 |
Göttke-Krogmann, Jochen |
Castor fiber, the European beaver : the archaeological of a wetland animal
2003 |
Coles, Bryony |
On the border : new archaeological issues in the Dutch-German Bourtanger Moor
2003 |
Groenendijk, Henny |
Environmental change and its influence on trackway construction and settlement in south-western Dümmer region
2003 |
Bauerochse, Andreas |
Illerup Adal, sacrifices of war-booty
2003 |
Ilkjaer, Joergen |
Wise use of peatlands : international aspects and perspectives
2003 |
Joosten, Hans |
Geophysical investigation of peatlands and related archaeological sites
2003 |
Scherzer, Harald |
Introducktion : [Peatlands archeological sites - archives of nature - nature conservation - wise use ; Proceedings of the peatland Conference 2002 in Hannover, Germany / Andreas Bauerochse, Henning Haßmann Eds.. Rahden 2003]
2003 |
Bauerochse, Andreas |