Evaluating the Effectiveness of Worker Safety Vests on Drivers' Visual Attention
2020 |
Hardison, Dylan |
A Methodology for Analyzing Information Needs in Construction
2020 |
Xiang, Qingting |
Persistence of Women in the Construction Industry
2020 |
Lewis, Amy King |
Role of Safety Stressors on Proactive and Prosocial Safety Behaviors
2020 |
Fu, Lipeng |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Toolbox Talks on Safety Awareness among Highway Maintenance Crews
2020 |
Al-Shabbani, Zamaan |
Owners' Safety Management Behaviors in Construction
2020 |
Ma, Linyao |
Assessing Worker Health and Well-Being in Construction: Case of Seattle
2020 |
Trivedi, Nihar |
Recognition of Construction Workers’ Physical Fatigue Based on Gait Patterns Driven from Three-Axis Accelerometer Embedded in a Smartphone
2020 |
Fardhosseini, Mohammad Sadra |
The Pedagogical Value of Virtual Reality Training for Electrical Workers on Energy Storage and Microgrid Systems
2020 |
Wang, Xiaohui |
Exploring the Relationship between Visual Search Patterns and Hazard Recognition Abilities
2020 |
Xu, Qingwen |
Cyclical Construction Workforce Shortage : An Evaluation of the Current Shortage in Western North Carolina
2020 |
Al-Bayati, Ahmed Jalil |
Measuring Impact of a Construction Industry Lecture Series
2020 |
Bingham, Evan |
Students' Perceptions on Mastering Construction Content in Different Educational Eductational Models
2020 |
Rokooei, Saeed |
A Review of Virtual Field Trip Applications in Construction Education
2020 |
Wen, Jing |
Safety in Facility Management: The Project Is Closed Out—Now What?
2020 |
Tymvios, Nicholas |
Enhancing Deep Neural Network-Based Trajectory Prediction: Fine-Tuning and Inherent Movement-Driven Post-Processing
2020 |
Kim, Daeho |
An Interactive Simulation Approach for an Ergonomic-Driven Workplace Design in Off-Site Construction Facilities
2020 |
Zaalouk, Ahmed |
Monitoring Fatigue in Construction Workers Using Wearable Sensors
2020 |
Garimella, Surya Anuradha |
Critical Literature Review on the Diversity and Inclusion of Women and Ethnic Minorities in Construction and Civil Engineering Industry and Education
2020 |
Manesh, Saba Nikkhah |
Work-Related Fatalities Analysis through Energy Source Recognition
2020 |
Song, Siyuan |