A Promising Path Towards Autoformalization and General Artificial Intelligence
2020 |
Szegedy, Christian |
Adding an Abstraction Barrier to ZF Set Theory
2020 |
Dunne, Ciarán |
OntoMath Edu: A Linguistically Grounded Educational Mathematical Ontology
2020 |
Kirillovich, Alexander |
Induction with Generalization in Superposition Reasoning
2020 |
Hajdú, Marton |
FramelT: Detangling Knowledge Management from Game Design in Serious Games
2020 |
Kohlhase, Michael |
Formalizing Graph Trail Properties in Isabelle/HOL
2020 |
Kovács, Laura |
Formally Verifying Proofs for Algebraic Identities of Matrices
2020 |
Schmitz, Leonard |
The Tactician: A Seamless, Interactive Tactic Learner and Prover for Coq
2020 |
Blaauwbroek, Lasse |
First Neural Conjecturing Datasets and Experiments
2020 |
Urban, Josef |
Formalizing Undergraduate Mathematics
2020 |
Buzzard, Kevin |
Leveraging the Information Contained in Theory Presentations
2020 |
Carette, Jacques |
Metamath Zero: Designing a Theorem Prover Prover
2020 |
Carneiro, Mario |
AutoMSC: Automatic Assignment of Mathematics Subject Classification Labels
2020 |
Schubotz, Moritz |
TGView3D: A System for 3-Dimensional Visualization of Theory Graphs
2020 |
Marcus, Richard |
Guiding Inferences in Connection Tableau by Recurrent Neural Networks
2020 |
Piotrowski, Bartosz |
Simple Dataset for Proof Method Recommendation in Isabelle/HOL
2020 |
Nagashima, Yutaka |
Dataset Description: Formalization of Elementary Number Theory in Mizar
2020 |
Naumowicz, Adam |
A Contextual and Labeled Math-Dataset Derived from NIST’s DLMF
2020 |
Youssef, Abdou |
Formally Verified Constraints Solvers: A Guided Tour
2020 |
Dubois, Catherine |
Towards a Heterogeneous Query Language for Mathematical Knowledge
2020 |
Bercic, Katja |