Ocean acidification and multilateral environmental agreements
2021 |
Popattanachai, Naporn |
Maritime transport and ocean acidification
2021 |
Martinez Romera, Beatriz |
Brazilian policy and law review on ocean acidification and climate change : achievements and challenges
2021 |
Rolim, Maria Helena Fonseca de Souza |
The battle against ocean acidification in the United States
2021 |
Broder, Sherry P. |
Implications of the Paris Agreement for action on ocean acidification within the UNFCCC
2021 |
Harrould-Kolieb, Ellycia R. |
ocean acidification : science, policy and law in Australia
2021 |
Harrould-Kolieb, Ellycia R. |
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Ocean Acidification Law and Policy
2021 |
VanderZwaag, David L. |
Regional seas programs and ocean acidification
2021 |
Tezlaff, Kerry |
Food security, fisheries and ocean acidification : a human rights based approach
2021 |
Elver, Hilal |
Ocean acidification and Pacific Island countries and territories : sounding the alarm on an existential threat
2021 |
Mulalap, Clement Yow |
Ocean acidification and a new treaty on marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction
2021 |
Mossop, Joanna |
Ocean acidification and the Arctic : regional scientific and governance responses
2021 |
Steiner, Nadja |
Ocean acidification and China's response
2021 |
Bai, Jiayu |
Southern Ocean acidification and the Antarctic Treaty System
2021 |
Scott, Karen |
Ocean acidification : scientific understanding and challenges
2021 |
Laffoley, Dan |
Regional fisheries bodies and ocean acidification
2021 |
Rayfuse, Rosemary Gail |