Classifying Functional Data from Orthogonal Projections – Model, Properties and Fast Implementation
2021 |
Skubalska-Rafajłowicz, Ewa |
Exact Searching for the Smallest Deterministic Automaton
2021 |
Wieczorek, Wojciech |
Analysis of Variance Application in the Construction of Classifier Ensemble Based on Optimal Feature Subset for the Task of Supporting Glaucoma Diagnosis
2021 |
Sułot, Dominika |
Improvement of Random Undersampling to Avoid Excessive Removal of Points from a Given Area of the Majority Class
2021 |
Bach, Małgorzata |
Analysis of Semestral Progress in Higher Technical Education with HMM Models
2021 |
Lach, Ewa |
Vicinity-Based Abstraction: VA-DGCNN Architecture for Noisy 3D Indoor Object Classification
2021 |
Walczak, Jakub |
Applicability of Machine Learning to Short-Term Prediction of Changes in the Low Voltage Electricity Distribution Network
2021 |
Cofta, Piotr |
A Model for Urban Social Networks
2021 |
Guarino, Stefano |
How to Reach Consensus? Better Disagree with Your Neighbor
2021 |
Weron, Tomasz |
Learning from Imbalanced Data Streams Based on Over-Sampling and Instance Selection
2021 |
Czarnowski, Ireneusz |
Bagging and Single Decision Tree Approaches to Dispersed Data
2021 |
Przybyła-Kasperek, Małgorzata |
An Intelligent Social Collective with Facebook-Based Communication
2021 |
Maleszka, Marcin |
Computational Intelligence Techniques for Assessing Data Quality: Towards Knowledge-Driven Processing
2021 |
Afriliana, Nunik |
Multi-criteria Seed Selection for Targeted Influence Maximization Within Social Networks
2021 |
Karczmarczyk, Artur |
Towards Cost-Effective Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infection: From Statistical Analysis to Markov Models
2021 |
Kaliberda, Yulia E. |
Comparison of Efficiency, Stability and Interpretability of Feature Selection Methods for Multiclassification Task on Medical Tabular Data
2021 |
Balabaeva, Ksenia |
Applying DCT Combined Cepstrum for the Assessment of the Arteriovenous Fistula Condition
2021 |
Grochowina, Marcin |
Mimicking Learning for 1-NN Classifiers
2021 |
Śliwiński, Przemysław |
Grid-Based Concise Hash for Solar Images
2021 |
Grycuk, Rafał |
Regaining Cognitive Control: An Adaptive Computational Model Involving Neural Correlates of Stress, Control and Intervention
2021 |
Ullah, Nimat |