Large-Scale Neural Solvers for Partial Differential Equations
2020 |
Stiller, Patrick |
Improving the Performance of the GMRES Method Using Mixed-Precision Techniques
2020 |
Lindquist, Neil |
Performance Improvements on SNS and HFIR Instrument Data Reduction Workflows Using Mantid
2020 |
Godoy, William F. |
Visualization as a Service for Scientific Data
2020 |
Pugmire, David |
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Daily WAN Traffic Patterns
2020 |
Campbell, Scott |
Distributed Transaction and Self-healing System of DAOS
2020 |
Liang, Zhen |
Truly Heterogeneous HPC: Co-design to Achieve What Science Needs from HPC
2020 |
Cardwell, Suma George |
Towards a Universal Classifier for Crystallographic Space Groups: A Trickle-Down Approach to Handle Data Imbalance
2020 |
Dash, Sajal |
The Macro Impacts of Micro-Climates on the Energy Consumption of Urban Buildings
2020 |
Inneo, Samantha |
Using Statistical Analysis and Computer Vision to Understand Uncertainty in Subsurface Exploration
2020 |
Bae, Joshua |
Data Analysis and Visualization of Traffic in Chicago with Size and Landuse-Aware Vehicle to Buildings Assignment
2020 |
Alharin, Alnour |
Fulfilling the Promises of Lossy Compression for Scientific Applications
2020 |
Cappello, Franck |
On the Use of BLAS Libraries in Modem Scientific Codes at Scale
2020 |
Waugh, Harry |
Machine Learning for the Complex, Multi-scale Datasets in Fusion Energy
2020 |
Churchill, R. Michael |
Data Federation Challenges in Remote Near-Real-Time Fusion Experiment Data Processing
2020 |
Choi, Jong |
Performance Evaluation of Python Based Data Analytics Frameworks in Summit: Early Experiences
2020 |
Hernández, Benjamín |
Examining and Presenting Cycles in Temperature Logs from the Vulcan Diffraetometer
2020 |
Moreno, Regan |
Probability Flow for Classifying Crystallographic Space Groups
2020 |
Pan, Jin |
Smoky Mountain Data Challenge 2020: An Open Call to Solve Data Problems in the Areas of Neutron Science, Material Science, Urban Modeling and Dynamics, Geophysics, and Biomedical Informatics
2020 |
Parete-Koon, Suzanne |
A Framework for Linking Urban Traffic and Vehicle Emissions in Smart Cities
2020 |
Hathaway, Clark |