Understanding Automatic Pneumonia Classification Using Chest X-Ray Images
2021 |
Bruno, Pierangela |
In Defence of Design Patterns for AI Planning Knowledge Models
2021 |
Vallati, Mauro |
Breaking Down High-Level Robot Path-Finding Abstractions in Natural Language Programming
2021 |
Zhan, Yue |
A Community-Based Activity Center to Promote Social Engagement and Counteract Decline of Elders Living Independently
2021 |
Luperto, Matteo |
SeXAI: A Semantic Explainable Artificial Intelligence Framework
2021 |
Donadello, Ivan |
Explainable and Ethical AI: A Perspective on Argumentation and Logic Programming
2021 |
Calegari, Roberta |
An Efficient Algorithm for Semi-stable Extensions
2021 |
Cerutti, Federico |
Optimal Control of Point-to-Point Navigation in Turbulent Time Dependent Flows Using Reinforcement Leaming
2021 |
Buzzicotti, Michele |
Towards Positive Artificial Intelligence
2021 |
Silva, Flavio S. Correa da |
A Fault-Tolerant Automated Flight Path Planning System for an Ultralight Aircraft
2021 |
León, Belen Santos |
Brain-Driven Telepresence Robots: A Fusion of User’s Commands with Robot’s Intelligence
2021 |
Beraldo, Gloria |
Knowledge-Driven Conversation for Social Robots: Exploring Crowdsourcing Mechanisms for Improving the System Capabilities
2021 |
Grassi, Lucrezia |
Interleaving Levels of Consistency Enforcement for Singleton Arc Consistency in CSPs, with a New Best (N)SAC Algorithm
2021 |
Wallace, Richard J. |
Grounding Dialogue History: Strengths and Weaknesses of Pre-trained Transformers
2021 |
Greco, Claudio |
From Contrastive to Abductive Explanations and Back Again
2021 |
Ignatiev, Alexey |
Management at the Edge of Situation Awareness During Patient Telemonitoring
2021 |
Ardito, Carmelo |
Exploring Contextual Importance and Utility in Explaining Affect Detection
2021 |
Fouladgar, Nazanin |
Explainable Attentional Neural Recommendations for Personalized Social Learning
2021 |
Marconi, Luca |
Evolutionary Optimization of Graphs with GraphEA
2021 |
Medyvet, Eric |
Introducing General Argumentation Frameworks and Their Use
2021 |
Ferilli, Stefano |