Which message frames and forms best promote political campaigns via social media?
2021 |
Cheung, Meily Mei Fung |
"Trust Me, I'm an Advertiser". : the influence of message sidedness and advertiser credibility on readers' perceptions of native advertisements
2021 |
Krouwer, Simone |
Should companies use tattooed models in their advertisements?
2021 |
Heberle, Antonia |
Creating branded entertainment that resonates : perspectives of multinational award winners
2021 |
Loggerenberg, Marthinus J. C. van |
The sound factor in autoplay mobile video ads
2021 |
Kim, Eunah |
Battle-weary women : the female creatives fighting for leadership in advertising management
2021 |
Thompson-Whiteside, Helen |
Sustainability and diversity labels in job ads and their effect on employer brands
2021 |
Kleiss, Denise F. |
Children's perceptions of sponsorship disclosures in online influencer videos
2021 |
Rozendaal, Esther |
Family decision making and vacation functions in summer tourism - the case of Austrian families
2021 |
Tischler, Stephanie |
Does a lack of control alter associative structure of brands? : the effects for positioning familiar and unfamiliar brands
2021 |
Grochowska, Alicja |
Disclaimers in real estate print advertisements
2021 |
Mogaji, Emmanuel |
Half a century of Super Bowl commercials : a content analysis of humorous advertising styles
2021 |
Timamopoulou, Artemis |
A cognitive approach to the argument strength × message involvement paradigm in green advertising persuasion
2021 |
Yu, Jason |
Construct confusion in advertising research
2021 |
Bergkvist, Lars |
The impact of source credibility on Irish millennials' brand attitudes and perceptions of brand credibility : a study of Instagram influencers' health and fitness endorsements
2021 |
Manning, Andrea |
General language use, language proficiency and language attitudes as predictors of consumer response to the use of Spanish and English in advertising in Chile and Mexico
2021 |
Hooft, Andreu van |
A thematic exploration of strong emotional appeals based on evolutionary psychology
2021 |
D'Hooge, Serena C. |
Gender responses to emotional appeals in advertising : comparing self-reports and facial expressions
2021 |
Tsichla, Eirini |
Empowering claims in CSR tweets : the moderating role of emotion, fit and credibility
2021 |
Fernández, Paula |
Can it hurt to be honest about nudging? : the impact of a (disclosed) social norm nudge on food preferences and choice
2021 |
Hallez, Lotte |