How about consolidating the frontiers but furthering the effectiveness of human rights? : Lessons from Yerevan
2021 |
Lawson, Rick A. |
Waters rising : possible effects of sea level rise on the legal regime of baselines and delineation of maritime zones
2021 |
Ma, Xuechan |
World law's modern master builders
2021 |
Spijkers, Otto |
The world in disarray : great-power competition and the decline of multilateralism
2021 |
Staden, Alfred van |
Sovereignty as responsibility : exercising permanent sovereignty over natural resources in the interest of current and future generations
2021 |
Dam-de Jong, Daniëlla |
Non-state actors and human rights obligations : perspectives from international investment law and arbitration
2021 |
Brabandere, Eric de |
Global threats and fragmented responses : climate change and the extra-territorial scope of human rights obligations
2021 |
Duffy, Helen |
The role of customary international law as a tool for the progressive development of international criminal law : undermining the sovereignty of states for the sake of humanity?
2021 |
Heinsch, Robert |
The responsibility of the Netherlands for its nationals abroad
2021 |
Koppe, Erik Vincent |
To speculate or not? On determining adequate remedies for denial of justice and other judicial wrongs
2021 |
Prislan, Vid |
Human rights law and the return of stolen assets
2021 |
Rose, Cecily |
Principles for the sustainable governance of shared natural resources
2021 |
Sánchez Castillo-Winckels, Nadia |
Economic, social and cultural rights and customary international law
2021 |
Schabas, William |
How can we justify international criminal justice?
2021 |
Stahn, Carsten |
Withdrawing from international organizations
2021 |
Blokker, Niels |
What is a state in international law? : How is this to be determined?
2021 |
Dugard, John |
Maritime security and sustainable development and the coastal communities of India : an empirical analysis
2021 |
Patel, Bimal N. |
The right to marry as a right to equality : about same-sex couples, the phrase "men and women", and the travaux préparatoires of the Universal Declaration
2021 |
Waaldijk, Kees |
Shifting the frontiers of international human rights law
2021 |
Loenen, Titia |
The International Criminal Court and human security : looking ahead complementarity?
2021 |
Marrone, Andrea |