National human rights institutions and their (extended) role in the business and human rights field
2020 |
Cantú Rivera, Humberto |
Human rights due diligence in theory and practice
2020 |
Taylor, Mark B. |
The use of disclosure-based regulation to advance the state's duty to protect
2020 |
Martin, Jena |
Framing the broader context of business and human rights : the impact of trade agreements on human rights
2020 |
Krajewski, Markus |
The multilateral development banks and the management of the human rights impacts of their operations
2020 |
Bradlow, Daniel D. |
Atrocities and victim redress : the opportunities and challenges of international criminal justice
2020 |
Kyriakakis, Joanna |
The rise and fall of the Alien Tort Statue
2020 |
Stephens, Beth |
Protecting the most vulnerable : embedding children's rights in the business and human rights project
2020 |
Kolieb, Jonathan |
Remedy is the reason : non-judicial grievance mechanism and access to remedy
2020 |
Huijstee, Mariëtte van |
Human rights and public procurement of goods and services
2020 |
O'Brien, Claire Methven |
Human rights law and the investment treaty regime
2020 |
Coleman, Jesse |
State jurisdiction over transnational business activity affecting human rights
2020 |
Cassel, Douglass |
The social construction of the UN guiding principles on business and human rights
2020 |
Ruggie, John Gerard |
Humanising the global supply chain : building a "decent work" environment in the readymade garments supply industry in Bangladesh
2020 |
Rahim, Mia Mahmudur |
The history of "business and human rights" and its relationship with corporate social responsibility
2020 |
Wettstein, Florian |
Business and indigenous peoples' human rights
2020 |
Letnar Černič, Jernej |
Human rights responsibilities of state-owned enterprises
2020 |
Backer, Larry Catá |
Business and human rights in transitional justice : challenges for complex environments
2020 |
Van Ho, Tara |
Access to effective remedy : the role of information
2020 |
Jägers, Nicola |
Liability within corporate groups : parent compnaies' accountability for subsidiary human rights abuses
2020 |
Mareş, Radu |