Markets for information : an introduction
2019 |
Bergemann, Dirk |
Bootstrap methods in econometrics
2019 |
Horowitz, Joel |
Echo chambers and their effects on economic and political outcomes
2019 |
Levy, Gilat |
Approximately optimal mechanism design
2019 |
Roughgarden, Tim |
Auction market design : recent innovations
2019 |
Milgrom, Paul |
History, microdata, and endogenous growth
2019 |
Akcigit, Ufuk |
Has dynamic programming improved decision making?
2019 |
Rust, John |
Universal basic income in the developing world
2019 |
Banerjee, Abhijit V. |
Econometrics of auctions and nonlinear pricing
2019 |
Perrigne, Isabelle |
Experiments on cognition, communication, coordination, and cooperation in relationships
2019 |
Crawford, Vincent P. |
Experiments and entrepreneurship in developing countries
2019 |
Quinn, Simon |
Bayesian persuasion and information design
2019 |
Kamenica, Emir |
Transitional dynamics in aggregate models of innovative investment
2019 |
Atkeson, Andrew |
Legislative and multilateral bargaining
2019 |
Eraslan, Hülya |
Econometric analysis of panel data models with multifactor error structures
2019 |
Karabiyik, Hande |
Monetary policy, macroprudential policy, and financial stability
2019 |
Martinez-Miera, David |
Evolutionary models of preference formation
2019 |
Alger, Ingela |
Social networks in policy making
2019 |
Battaglini, Marco |
Using randomized controlled trials to estimate long-run impacts in development economics
2019 |
Bouguen, Adrien |
Productivity measurement : racing to keep up
2019 |
Sichel, Daniel E. |