Model-Driven Multidisciplinary Production of Virtual Reality Environments for Elementary School with ADHD
2020 |
Cardona-Reyes, Héctor |
Relaxing and Familiar, Guidelines to Develop Interactive Applications for Dementia Patients
2020 |
Millares, Diana |
Smartphones, Suitable Tool for Driver Behavior Recognition. A Systematic Review
2020 |
Joya, Jovan F. Fernández |
Usability Evaluation over Multiplayer Games on Display Wall Systems
2020 |
Capdevila, Marc Gonzalez |
Voluminis: Mobile Application for Learning Mathematics in Geometry with Augmented Reality and Gamification
2020 |
Carlos-Chullo, Juan Deyby |
A Physiotherapist’s Matter: Validating a Physical Rehabilitation Exergame to Enable Safe Evaluation with Patients
2020 |
Castro, Juan |
Autonomous Driving: Obtaining Direction Commands by Classifying Images Within a Simulation Platform
2020 |
Torre, Mario Iván Oliva de la |
Clustering Analysis of Usability in Web Sites of Higher Technological Institutes of Ecuador
2020 |
Torres-Berru, Yeferson |
Design and Implementation of a Voice-Based Conversational Agent for the Continuous Training and Learning of Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives
2020 |
Fernández, Rocío |
Recommendations and Challenges for Developing English Vocabulary Learning Games
2020 |
Toro, Diana |
Towards to Usability Guidelines Construction for the Design of Interactive Mobile Applications for Learning Mathematics
2020 |
Domínguez, Carlos Andrés Casas |
An Experimental Activity to Develop Usability and UX Heuristics
2020 |
Reis, Pedro |
Breaking the Gap: Collaborative Environment as a Meeting Point to Provide and Receive Help to Overcome the Digital Gap
2020 |
Covarrubias, David E. Santos |
Challenges in Integrating SCRUM and the User-Centered Design Framework: A Systematic Review
2020 |
Argumanis, Daniela |
Collaborative Learning Group Formation Based on Personality Traits: An Empirical Study in Initial Programming Courses
2020 |
Revelo-Sánchez, Oscar |
CovidEmoVis - An Interactive Visual Analytic Tool for Exploring Emotions from Twitter Data of Covid-19
2020 |
Laura-Ochoa, Leticia |
Evaluating the Socioenactive Experience with a Tangible Tabletop Installation: A Case Study
2020 |
Mendoza, Yusseli Lizeth Méndez |
Cyber Exposed at Preparatory: Classmates and Teachers Using Social Networks and Life Satisfaction
2020 |
Iraola-Real, Ivan |
Human Body AR: A Mobile Application for Teaching Anatomy for Elementary Students Using Augmented Reality
2020 |
Sotelo-Castro, Briseida |
Mobile Application to Improve Reading Habits Using Virtual Reality
2020 |
Chavez-Helaconde, Estefany |