A note on law in general and international law in particular
2021 |
Dellapenna, Joseph W. |
Water governance and politics
2021 |
Velázquez Hernández, Erick |
The water-energy nexus
2021 |
Godden, Lee |
Fundamental concepts of property in water and the role of markets in water governance
2021 |
Dellapenna, Joseph W. |
Sustainability and international water law
2021 |
Spijkers, Otto |
China : water law in transition
2021 |
Zhang, Libin |
Legal frameworks and water services
2021 |
Schwartz, Klaas |
Indigenous rights to water
2021 |
Cosens, Barbara |
Large-scale water infrastructure, territorial transformation and water rights dispossession
2021 |
Boelens, Rutgerd |
Water law and disaster : floods and droughts
2021 |
Hurlbert, Margot A. |
Water and mining
2021 |
Schoderer, Mirja |
Coastal zones
2021 |
Stoa, Ryan B. |
Introduction to Volume X
2021 |
Dellapenna, Joseph W. |
Groundwater in international law
2021 |
Conti, Kirstin |
Advancing water law through rights of nature
2021 |
Talbot-Jones, Julia |
Providing for future generations
2021 |
Slobodian, Lydia |
Changing ‘ownership’ in water law : comparative experiences in the developing world
2021 |
Gupta, Joyeeta |
Groundwater law at the domestic level
2021 |
Cuadrado-Quesada, Gabriela |
Reforming legal frameworks for water management in Central Asia
2021 |
Sehring, Jenniver |
Water law and development
2021 |
Cullet, Philippe |