Stationary Distributions and Metastable Behaviour for Self-regulating Proteins with General Lifetime Distributions
2020 |
Celik, Candan |
Graphical Conditions for Rate Independence in Chemical Reaction Networks
2020 |
Degrand, Elisabeth |
Interval Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization for Biological Homeostasis and Multistationarity
2020 |
Desoeuvres, Aurélien |
On the Complexity of Quadratization for Polynomial Differential Equations
2020 |
Hemery, Mathieu |
Accelerating Reactions at the DNA Can Slow Down Transient Gene Expression
2020 |
Bokes, Pavol |
Control Strategy Identification via Trap Spaces in Boolean Networks
2020 |
Fontanals, Laura Cifuentes |
Parallel Parameter Synthesis for Multi-affine Hybrid Systems from Hybrid CTL Specifications
2020 |
Smijáková, Eva |
ModRev - Model Revision Tool for Boolean Logical Models of Biological Regulatory Networks
2020 |
Gouveia, Filipe |
Tutorial: The CoLoMoTo Interactive Notebook, Accessible and Reproducible Computational Analyses for Qualitative Biological Networks
2020 |
Paulevé, Loïc |
Classifier Construction in Boolean Networks Using Algebraic Methods
2020 |
Schwieger, Robert |
Sequential Temporary and Permanent Control of Boolean Networks
2020 |
Su, Cui |
Drawing the Line: Basin Boundaries in Safe Petri Nets
2020 |
Haar, Stefan |
Integrating Experimental Pharmacology and Systems Biology for GPCR Drug Discovery
2020 |
Roth, Susanne |
Rate Equations for Graphs
2020 |
Danos, Vincent |
Growth Dependent Computation of Chokepoints in Metabolic Networks
2020 |
Oarga, Alexandru |
ABC(SMC)2: Simultaneous Inference and Model Checking of Chemical Reaction Networks
2020 |
Molyneux, Gareth W. |
eBCSgen: A Software Tool for Biochemical Space Language
2020 |
Troják, Matej |
What is a Cell Cycle Checkpoint? The TotemBioNet Answer
2020 |
Boyenval, Déborah |
Core Models of Receptor Reactions to Evaluate Basic Pathway Designs Enabling Heterogeneous Commitments to Apoptosis
2020 |
Péré, Marielle |
Kaemika App: Integrating Protocols and Chemical Simulation
2020 |
Cardelli, Luca |