Jewish Elements in the Cologne Mani Codex
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
'Human Semen Eucharist' among the Manichaeans : The Testimony of Augustine Reconsidered in Context
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaean Imagery of Christ as God's Right Hand
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Another Case of 'Human Semen Eucharist' among the Manichaeans? : Notes on the 'Ceremony of the Fig' in Cyril of Jerusalem's Catechesis VI
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Heeding and Hiding Their Particular Knowledge? : An Analysis of Augustine's Dispute with Fortunatus
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
God, Memory and Beauty : A 'Manichaean' Analysis of Augustine's Confessions 10,1-38
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Augustine's Criticism of Manichaeism : The Case of Confessions 3,10 and Its Implications
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaean Women in a Pseudo-Augustinian Testimony : An Analysis of the North African Testimonium de Manichaeis sectatoribus
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Argumentation in the Greek-Christian Antimanichaica
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Speech of the Living Soul
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Mani's Psalms
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Manichaean Codices of Medinet Madi
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
De utilitate credendi
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Paraclete Mani as the Apostle of Jesus Christ and the Origins of a New Church
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Platonist Philosopher Alexander of Lycopolis on Manichaeism
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaean Christians in Augustine's Life and Work
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Augustine's Praise
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |