Manichaean Eschatology : Gnostic-Christian Thinking about the Last Things
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Augustine and Manichaeism: An Introductory Overview
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Augustine and the Manichaeans : Their Church, Books, and Impact
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
On the Huguenot Isaac de Beausobre (1659-1738), Founding Father of Manichaean Studies: A Würdigung
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Sin and Concupiscence in Augustine's Confessions : An Analytical Overview of the Relevant Texts and Some Conclusions
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Was Julian Right? : A Re-evaluation of Augustine's and Mani's Doctrines of Sexual Concupiscence and the Transmission of Sin
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Reminiscenses of Manichaeism in Augustine's City of God
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma in Context
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Paraclete Mani as the Apostle of Jesus Christ and the Origins of a New Church
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
The Platonist Philosopher Alexander of Lycopolis on Manichaeism
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaean Christians in Augustine's Life and Work
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Augustine's Praise
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
'Misisti manum tuam ex alto' : Manichaean Imagery of Christ as God's Hand in Augustine's Confessions?
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaeism in Augustine's Sermons : The Case of sermo
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Secundini Manichaei Epistula : Roman Manichaean 'Biblical' Argument in the Age of Augustine
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Manichaean Women in Augustine's Life and Works
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
New Directions in Manichaean Research : An Introduction to Manichaica Selecta
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Jewish Lore in Manichaean Cosmogony
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |
Once Again: Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma
2020 |
Oort, Johannes van |