Pricing rental tourist accommodation : Airbnb in Barcelona
2021 |
Lladós i Masllorens, Josep |
The impact of sharing economy in heritage neighborhoods in Granada
2020 |
Romero-Frías, Esteban |
The strategic governance of sharing platforms : transaction costs and integration mechanisms
2020 |
Akbar, Yusaf H. |
Collaborative finance and its hurdles to overcome
2020 |
Ruiz-Dotras, Elisabet |
Uber's strategy as a competitive business model of sharing economy
2020 |
Vargas-Hernández, José G. |
Manufactured risks of reward-based crowdfunding platforms
2020 |
Kula, Selin Öner |
What pulls consumers in and what pushes consumers out
2020 |
Saksanian, Christina |
Determining factors of user satisfaction for bicycle-sharing systems : MalagaBici case study
2020 |
Molinillo, Sebastian |
How do food delivery platforms affect urban logistics? : the case of Glovo in Barcelona as a preliminary study
2020 |
Alvarez-Palau, Eduard Josep |
The impact of collaborative consumption on sustainable development
2020 |
İşcan, Erhan |
We are all digital tourists, but are all digital tourists the same? : characterization of digital tourists based on technology use
2020 |
González-Reverté, Francesc |
A conceptual framework of value sharing in the sharing economy
2020 |
Jahromi, Melissa Farboudi |
The politics of the sharing economy
2020 |
Murillo, David |
Why rideshare? : an analysis of factors influencing intention to use
2020 |
Anaya-Sánchez, Rafael |