From global to local : a multilevel approach to the local implementation of climate policies in Japan
2020 |
Roppongi, Hitomi |
Integrating sustainability in governance and legal framework for a sustainable builtscape in Kenya : towards a global approach
2020 |
Onkangi, Ruth |
Towards a low/zero carbon society for the Asia-Pacific region : policy and legal development for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Japan
2020 |
Yanagi, K. |
Municipalities, social innovations, and the co-development of localized food rights
2020 |
Fernadez-Wulff, Paula |
Establishing urban gardens on vacant land while considering international good practices : a legal case study from Portugal
2020 |
Ribeiro, Alexandra |
The laws of sustainable development
2020 |
Calster, Geert van |
What does the rebound effect tell us?
2020 |
Saey-Volckrick, Joëlle |
Non-financial performance indicators : the power of measures to operationalize the law
2020 |
Raucci, Domenico |
Right to development and right to environment : sustainable development perspectives
2020 |
Savić, Ivana |
Resilience : Is sustainability dead?
2020 |
Daya-Winterbottom, Trevor |
Biodiversity, climate change and finnish forest regulation
2020 |
Pappila, Minna |
Planned obsolescence and criminal law : a problematic relationship?
2020 |
La Rosa, Emanuele |
Italy towards mandatory sustainability reporting : voluntary corporate social responsibility disclosure of Italian companies and legislative decree 254/2016 statements : a quantitative analysis of the last 10 years
2020 |
Balluchi, Federica |
Claims in environmental civil public interest litigation in China : problems and solutions
2020 |
Chen, Xuemin |
Invasive alien species : the eradication or use of invasive alien species under EU law
2020 |
Frommelt, Felix |
The limited contribution of environmental law to the sustainable management of marine resources in Brazil : the need for an integrated approach
2020 |
Oliveira, Carina Costa de |
International environmental law and law of the sea : analysis of legal and political aspects of institution interaction
2020 |
Vasilenko, Ekaterina |
Mainstreaming ecosystem services as public policy in South East Asia : from theory to practice
2020 |
Loc, Ho Huu |
Reducing the European Union’s environmental footprint through 'Territorial Extension'
2020 |
Scott, Joanne |
Regulating our consumer culture : What role can the law play in addressing excessive consumption?
2020 |
Gorrie, Melissa |