The future of leadership : challenges and prospects
2014 |
Day, David V. |
Leadership memes : from ancient history and literature to twenty-first century theory and research
2014 |
Zaccaro, Stephen J. |
Sculpting the contours of the qualitive landscape of leadership research
2014 |
Klenke, Karin |
Evaluation methods
2014 |
Hoole, Emily R. |
Personality and leadership : looking back, looking ahead
2014 |
Bono, Joyce E. |
Visionary leadership
2014 |
Knippenberg, Daan van |
Destructive leadership in and of organizations
2014 |
Kaiser, Robert B. |
Charismatic and transformational leadership
2014 |
Mhatre, Ketan H. |
Authentic leadership theory, research and practice : steps taken and steps that remain
2014 |
Avolio, Bruce J. |
Leadership in multiteam systems : a network perspective
2014 |
Carter, Dorothy R. |
The skill to lead : the role of political skill in leadership dynamics
2014 |
Treadway, Darren C. |
Ethical leadership
2014 |
Treviño, Linda Klebe |
Cross-cultural and global leadership
2014 |
Brodbeck, Felix Claus |
Leadership in a diverse workplace
2014 |
Chrobot-Mason, Donna |
Changing the rules : the implications of complexity science for leadership research and practice
2014 |
Hazy, James K. |
Bridging the domains of leadership and corporate social responsibility
2014 |
Waldman, David A. |
Executive leadership : CEOs, top management teams, and organizational-level outcomes
2014 |
Hiller, Nathan J. |
The context and leadership
2014 |
Osborn, Richard |
Leadership in extreme contexts
2014 |
Hannah, Sean T. |
Leadership perception and information processing : influences of symbolic, connectionist, emotional, and embodied architectures
2014 |
Dinh, Jessica E. |