Jews and Poles, 1860-1914 : Assimilation, Emancipation, Antisemitism
2019 |
Weeks, Theodore R. |
Integration and Its Discontents : Humorous Magazines and Music Halls as Reflections of the Ambiguous Transformation of Budapest Jews into Magyars of the Jewish Faith
2019 |
Gluck, Mary |
Cabaret Nation : The Jewish Foundations of Kabaret Literacki, 1920-1939
2019 |
Holmgren, Beth |
Polish and Hungarian Poets on the Holocaust
2019 |
Gömöri, György |
'Anti-Fascist Literature' as Holocaust Literature? : The Holocaust in the Hungarian Socialist Liberary Marketplace, 1956-1970
2019 |
Esbenshade, Richard S. |
'Nicht vor dem Kind!' Testimonies on the Yellow-Star Houses of Budapest
2019 |
Jones, Gwen |
Polish National Antisemitism
2019 |
Krzemiński, Ireneusz |
Ben-Zion Gold
2019 |
Polonsky, Antony |
The Magnate-Jewish Symbiosis : Hungarian and Polish Variations on a Theme
2019 |
Lupovitch, Howard N. |
Ethnic Triangles, Assimilation, and the Complexities of Acculturation in a Multi-ethnic Society
2019 |
Gerner, Kristian |
Polish Hasidism and Hungarian Orthodoxy in a Borderland : The Munkács Rabbinate
2019 |
Cooper, Levi |
Polish 'Progressive' Judaism and Hungarian Neolog Judaism : A Comparison
2019 |
Matis, Benjamin |
Warsaw and Budapest, 1939-1945 : Two Ghettos, Two Policies, Two Outcomes
2019 |
Karsai, László |
'Non-Remembering' the Holocaust in Hungary and Poland
2019 |
Pető, Andrea |
Fred Schwartz
2019 |
Kuncewicz, Tomasz |
Between Poland and Hungary : The Process of Jewish Integration from a Comparative Perspective
2019 |
Miron, Gai |
The Politics of Exclusion : The Turbulent History of Hungarian and Polish Film, 1896-1945
2019 |
Papp, Susan M. |
On the Margin of a Historic Friendship : Polish Jewish Refugees in Hungary during the Second World War
2019 |
Kovács, Tamás |
Placing the Ghetto : Warsaw and Budapest, 1939-1945
2019 |
Cole, Tim |
Suicides of the Polish and Hungarian Types : Jewish Self-Destruction and Social Cohesion in Interwar Warsaw and Budapest
2019 |
Rosenthal, Daniel |