Screening potential parents
2020 |
Dwyer, James G. |
The art of parentage
2020 |
Cahn, Naomi R. |
Race and the adoption of children
2020 |
Banks, Ralph Richard |
Disputes over medical treatment for children
2020 |
Herring, Jonathan |
How federal laws pertaining to foster care financing shape child welfare services
2020 |
Berrick, Jill Duerr |
Relational parents : when adults receive rights in children because of their relationship with a parent
2020 |
Wilson, Robin Fretwell |
Race and education : school desegregation and resegregation since brown and promising avenues toward integration
2020 |
Muñiz, Raquel |
Children's religious freedom in state schools : exemptions, participation, and education
2020 |
Hunter-Henin, Myriam |
The child protection system
2020 |
Gelles, Richard J. |
Children at risk of school dropout
2020 |
Ferguson, Lucinda |
The intersection between schools and the criminal justice system
2020 |
Nance, Jason P. |
The promises and pitfalls of constitutionalizing children's rights
2020 |
O'Mahony, Conor |
When does a right to life arise?
2020 |
Wardle, Lynn D. |
The neurobiology of childhood psychosocial adversity
2020 |
Berens, Anne E. |
Legislation in search of "good-enough" care arrangements for the child : a quest for continuity of care
2020 |
IJzendoorn, Marinus H. van |
Procreation and parenting
2020 |
Baker, Katharine K. |
Adoption versus alternative forms of care
2020 |
Sloan, Brian |
Children in fragile families
2020 |
McLanahan, Sara |
Protection of the health of newborns : what ever happened to baby doe?
2020 |
Van Howe, Robert |
Corporal punishment and the law in global perspective
2020 |
Durrant, Joan E. |