Limits of price competition : cost asymmetry and imperfect information
2020 |
Bakshi, Sneha |
Can players avoid the tragedy of the commons in a joint debt game?
2020 |
Takahashi, Hiromasa |
Auctions with external incentives : experimental evidence
2020 |
Fonseca, Miguel A. |
On strategy-proofness and single-peakedness : median-voting over intervals
2020 |
Klaus, Bettina |
On games without approximate equilibria
2020 |
Levy, Yehuda John |
On the strategic value of "shooting yourself in the fooot" : an experimental study of burning money
2020 |
Krol, Michal |
Dominance of weighted nested split graph networks in connections models
2020 |
Olaizola, Norma |
A generalization of the Harsanyi NTU value to games with incomplete information
2020 |
Salamanca, Andrés |
Generalized Coleman-Shapley indices and total-power monotonicity
2020 |
Haimanko, Ori |
Two-person pairwise solvable games
2020 |
Iimura, Takuya |
Bilateral trading with contingent contracts
2020 |
Yoon, Kiho |
Market power in bilateral oligopoly markets with non-expandable infrastructures
2020 |
Funaki, Yukihiko |
A model of parallel contests
2020 |
Juang, Wei-Torng |
Optimal allocations of prizes and punishments in Tullock contests
2020 |
Sela, Aner |
Aggregating experts' opinions to select the winner of a competition
2020 |
Amorós, Pablo |
Cyclic dominance in a two-person rock-scissors-paper game
2020 |
Garrido-da-Silva, Liliana |
A strategic justification of the Talmud rule based on lower and upper bounds
2020 |
Moreno-Ternero, Juan D. |
Should I remember more than you? : best responses to factored strategies
2020 |
Levínský, René |
Fair division in the presence of externalities
2020 |
Skibski, Oskar |
Reassignment-proof rules for land rental problems
2020 |
Valencia-Toledo, Alfredo |