Exploring the Effect of Explanations During Robot-Guided Emergency Evacuation
2020 |
Nayyar, Mollik |
Language Learning with Artificial Entities: Effects of an Artificial Tutor's Embodiment and Behavior on Users' Alignment and Evaluation
2020 |
Pütten, Astrid Rosenthal-von der |
Perception of a Social Robot’s Mood Based on Different Types of Motions and Coloured Heart
2020 |
Fernández-Rodicio, Enrique |
Robotic Social Environments: A Promising Platform for Autism Therapy
2020 |
Soleiman, Pegah |
Don't Go That Way! Risk-Aware Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles
2020 |
Mokhtari, Kasra |
Legibility of Robot Approach Trajectories with Minimum Jerk Path Planning
2020 |
Cuijpers, Raymond H. |
“Excuse Me, Robot”: Impact of Polite Robot Wakewords on Human-Robot Politeness
2020 |
Williams, Tom |
The Effect of Individual Differences and Repetitive Interactions on Explicit and Implicit Attitudes Towards Robots
2020 |
Ciardo, Francesca |
Modeling Trust in Human-Robot Interaction: A Survey
2020 |
Khavas, Zahra Rezaei |
Do Robot Pets Decrease Agitation in Dementia Patients? An Ethnographic Approach
2020 |
Thunberg, Sofia |
Creating MyJay: A New Design for Robot-Assisted Play for Children with Physical Special Needs
2020 |
Mahdi, Hamza |
Design and Evaluation of Affective Expressions of a Zoomorphic Robot
2020 |
Ghafurian, Moojan |
Explainable Agency by Revealing Suboptimality in Child-Robot Learning Scenarios
2020 |
Tulli, Silvia |
Proxemic Reasoning for Group Approach
2020 |
Wright, Ben |
On the Role of Personality and Empathy in Human-Human, Human-Agent, and Human-Robot Mimicry
2020 |
Perugia, Giulia |
Human-Robot Collaboration and Dialogue for Fault Recovery on Hierarchical Tasks
2020 |
Blankenburg, Janelle |
Let's Learn Biodiversity with a Virtual "Robot"?
2020 |
Ferreira, Maria José |
What Am I Allowed to Do Here?: Online Learning of Context-Specific Norms by Pepper
2020 |
Ayub, Ali |
Blind Trust: How Making a Device Humanoid Reduces the Impact of Functional Errors on Trust
2020 |
Vattheuer, Christopher |
Receiving Robot's Advice: Does It Matter When and for What?
2020 |
Straßmann, Carolin |