Repair to Damaged Dwellings under the California Existing Building Code
2020 |
Cobeen, Kelly |
Napa County Historic Courthouse Repair Following The 2014 South Napa Earthquake
2020 |
Wilson, Luke |
San Francisco Nonductile Concrete Buildings Part Il: Analysis, Assessment and Comparison of Older San Francisco Concrete Buildings
2020 |
Palmer, Keith D. |
Consequences of Tall Building Collapse in the Urban Environment
2020 |
Graf, William P. |
Laboratory Tests of Column-Foundation Connections with Headed Anchors
2020 |
Moehle, Jack P. |
Using Computer Automation to Simplify Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildingss
2020 |
Moore, Kevin S. |
Embodied Carbon Impacts of California Concrete Mix Designs
2020 |
Miley, Nicholas |
Overview of the 2019 Blue Book
2020 |
Mohr, Benjamin Alan |
Lessons Learned from the Automation of Seismic Assessment of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
2020 |
Westeneng, Benjamin |
WrapAround Frame for Seismic Retrofit of Soft Story Buildings
2020 |
Kolozvari, Kristijan |
Remember the Falling Hazard of A Historic Facade!
2020 |
Mohammed, Maria |
Structural Engineers' Wildfire Guide Preview
2020 |
Lumbard, Devon |
California Snow Load Mapping Project
2020 |
Corless, John |
Anchorage of Discontinuous Timber Shear Walls
2020 |
McMullin, Kurt M. |
Understanding ASCE 7 Seismic Design Requirements: Strength, Stiffness, and Stability
2020 |
Sabelli, Rafael |
Lessons Learned & Observations from In-Field Reconnaissance after the November 2018 Anchorage, AK, Earthquake
2020 |
Ojala, David |
The Other 80 Percent: Strategies for Delegating Design of Nonstructural Systems
2020 |
Phipps, Maryann |
Feasibility of a Fiber Reinforced Polymer Retrofit for Non-Ductile Concrete Walls
2020 |
Sevilla, Rory de |
Structural Performance Category SPC-4D and Concept of Damage Control Performance Level for Hospital Buildings in California
2020 |
Bhatia, Hussain |
ACI-318-19: New Seismic Provisions
2020 |
Wallace, John W. |