Automating Software Re-engineering: Introduction to the ISoLA 2020 Track
2020 |
Demeyer, Serge |
Thirty-Seven Years of Relational Hoare Logic: Remarks on Its Principles and History
2020 |
Naumann, David A. |
Refactoring and Active Object Languages
2020 |
Stolz, Volker |
Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems Introduction to the 3rd Track Edition
2020 |
Wirsing, Martin |
Epistemic Logic in Ensemble Specification
2020 |
Sürmeli, Jan |
Guaranteeing Type Consistency in Collective Adaptive Systems
2020 |
Schürmann, Jonas |
Writing Robotics Applications with X-KLAIM
2020 |
Bettini, Lorenzo |
Centrality-Preserving Exact Reductions of Multi-Layer Networks
2020 |
Petrov, Tatjana |
Formal Verification of Developer Tests: A Research Agenda Inspired by Mutation Testing
2020 |
Demeyer, Serge |
Finding Idioms in Source Code Using Subtree Counting Techniques
2020 |
Orlov, Dmitry |
Parametric Timed Bisimulation
2020 |
Lochau, Malte |
Composition of Component Models - A Key to Construct Big Systems
2020 |
Reisig, Wolfgang |
Abstractions for Collective Adaptive Systems
2020 |
Inverso, Omar |
Capturing Dynamicity and Uncertainty in Security and Trust via Situational Patterns
2020 |
Bures, Tomas |
Maple-Swarm: Programming Collective Behavior for Ensembles by Extending HTN-Planning
2020 |
Kosak, Oliver |
A Unifying Framework for Dynamic Monitoring and a Taxonomy of Optimizations
2020 |
Jakobs, Marie-Christine |
Degrees of Autonomy in Coordinating Collectives of Self-Driving Vehicles
2020 |
Mariani, Stefano |
A Dynamic Logic for Systems with Predicate-Based Communication
2020 |
Hennicker, Rolf |
Verifying AbC Specifications via Emulation
2020 |
Nicola, Rocco De |
Measuring Adaptability and Reliability of Large Scale Systems
2020 |
Castiglioni, Valentina |