Dividing the Ontology Alignment Task with Semantic Embeddings and Logic-Based Modules
2020 |
Jiménez-Ruiz, Ernesto |
BTDE: Block Term Decomposition Embedding for Link Prediction in Knowledge Graph
2020 |
Luo, Tao |
A Hash Learning Framework for Search-Oriented Knowledge Graph Embedding
2020 |
Wang, Meng |
Toward Metrics for Differentiating Out-of-Distribution Sets
2020 |
Abbasi, Mahdieh |
Generative Adversarial Networks for Mitigating Biases in Machine Learning Systems
2020 |
Abusitta, Adel |
Integrating Network Embedding and Community Outlier Detection via Multiclass Graph Description
2020 |
Bandyopadhyay, Sambaran |
Unsupervised Adversarial Learning of Anomaly Detection in the Wild
2020 |
Berg, Amanda |
Delving Deeper into the Decoder for Video Captioning
2020 |
Chen, Haoran |
A Convergent Off-Policy Temporal Difference Algorithm
2020 |
Diddigi, Raghuram Bharadwaj |
CDeepEx: Contrastive Deep Explanations
2020 |
Feghahati, Amir |
Search for Better Students to Learn Distilled Knowledge
2020 |
Gu, Jindong |
On Partial Multi-Task Learning
2020 |
He, Yi |
Dual Rejection Sampling for Wasserstein Auto-Encoders
2020 |
Hou, Liang |
Improving VAE Generations of Multimodal Data Through Data-Dependent Conditional Priors
2020 |
Lavda, Frantzeska |
Bridging the Gap Between Training and Inference for Spatio- Temporal Forecasting
2020 |
Liu, Hong-Bin |
Feature-Level Ensemble Knowledge Distillation for Aggregating Knowledge from Multiple Networks
2020 |
Park, SeongUk |
Coulomb Autoencoders
2020 |
Sansone, Emanuele |
Non-Linear Cluster Enhancement: Forcing Clusters into a Compact Shape
2020 |
Schelling, Benjamin |
Metric Learning for Ordered Labeled Trees with pq-grams
2020 |
Shindo, Hikaru |
Rewrite or Not Rewrite? ML-Based Algorithm Selection for Datalog Query Answering on Knowledge Graphs
2020 |
Joshi, Unmesh |