Movable singularity of some Hamiltonian systems
2020 |
Yoshino, Masafumi |
The algebro-geometric solution method for algebraic differential equations — an introduction by examples
2020 |
Sendra, J. Rafael |
Some aspects of summability
2020 |
Fernandez, Jorge Mozo |
Convolution product and resurgence
2020 |
Kamimoto, Shingo |
Isomonodromy deformations with coalescing eigenvalues and applications — Bedlewo 2018
2020 |
Guzzetti, Davide |
Solutions to the extended WDVV equations and the Painlevé VI equation
2020 |
Kato, Mitsuo |
The relation between the Bessel function and the Borel sum of the WKB solution
2020 |
Takahashi, Toshinori |
Intersection theory for Euler integral representations of GKZ hypergeometric functions: Appell’s F1 case
2020 |
Matsubara-Heo, Saiei-Jaeyeong |
Gevrey estimates for certain moment partial differential equations
2020 |
Michalik, Stawomir |
A Nagumo-type theorem for a class of singular nonlinear equations
2020 |
Ona, Mark Philip F. |
On the solutions of the Airy equation and their zeros
2020 |
Zullo, Federico |
Potential vector fields and isomonodromic tau functions in terms of flat coordinates
2020 |
Mano, Toshiyuki |
Formal solutions to ordinary differential equation via dimensioned numbers
2020 |
Izumi, Hideaki |
Some notes on the parametric Borel summability for linear singularly perturbed Cauchy problems with linear fractional transforms
2020 |
Lastra, Alberto |
Group-theoretical origin of symmetries of hypergeometric class equations and functions
2020 |
Derezinski, J. |
A relation between the exact WKB analysis and the topological recursion — in the case of the Gauss hypergeometric differential equation
2020 |
Takei, Yumiko |
Ultradiscrete limit of the spectral polynomial of the q-Heun equation
2020 |
Kojima, Kentaro |
On the instanton-type expansions for Painlevé transcendents and elliptic functions
2020 |
Takei, Yoshitsugu |
The Stokes phenomenon of the Cauchy problem for certain partial differential equations with variable coefficients depending on the time variable
2020 |
Tkacz, Bozena |
On k-summability of formal solutions to the Cauchy problems for some linear q-difference-differential equations
2020 |
Ichinobe, Kunio |