Improving students’ critical thinking skills through a multiple representation-based chemistry teaching book
2021 |
Widiastari, Kadek |
Effect of integration of SETS (science-environment-technology-society) in 7E learning cycle on students’ critical thinking skills
2021 |
Kusumaningrum, Y. D. |
Acid-base topic materials oriented towards higher-order thinking skills/HOTs based instruments
2021 |
Herunata, Herunata |
How “two stay-two stray” and Jigsaw learning models affect students’ achievement on redox reaction
2021 |
Noviananda, Nabela |
An analysis of the student’s critical thinking skills in the redox and electrochemistry learning
2021 |
Herunata, Herunata |
Developing an assessment instrument based on HOTS according to Brookhart for thermochemistry materials
2021 |
Herunata, Herunata |
The integration effects of socrative online game in cooperative - Teams games tournament (TGT) models to student learning outcomes and learning motivation on salt hydrolysis topic
2021 |
Wahyuningsih, Desi |
Development of e-learning based inquiry guided and VARK learning style on the topic of chemical bond as teaching material in COVID-19 pandemic era
2021 |
Munzil, Munzil |
Development of e-learning teaching material with augmented reality based on problem based jearning for nature of chemistry and scientific methods topic as teaching material in Covid-19 pandemic
2021 |
Munzil |
Analysis of prospective chemistry teachers’ science process skills and critical thinking skills in terms of self-regulated learning
2021 |
Zulaikha, Binti |
Determination of carbohydrates content in red dragon fruit for food chemistry laboratory
2021 |
Liliasari, Nova Kurnia. |
Chemical literacy skills on competencies and attitude aspects of senior high school students
2021 |
Sulistina, Oktavia |
Impact of explicit scientific inquiry instruction on students’ scientific argumentation skills in salt hydrolysis
2021 |
Muntholib, Muntholib |
Potency of science learning oriented to local wisdom and tourism in enhancing students learning performance
2021 |
Khery, Yusran |
High school students’ scientific argumentation on chemical equilibrium
2021 |
Muntholib, Muntholib |
The improvement of student learning outcomes using structured worksheet on stoichiometry concepts in online learning
2021 |
Virtayanti, Irma Ayu |
Student misconception analysis on the concept of colligative properties of solutions using a digital three-tier multiple-choice diagnostic test ANA
2021 |
Fauziah, Shabrina Ruhyatul |
Exploring 12th-grade students’ perceptions of radioactivity and radiation, and the relationship with their creative comparisons
2021 |
Nakiboglu, Canan |
Improvement of collaboration skills and environmental literacy through the surrounding nature exploration integrated group investigation
2021 |
Muhdhar, Mimien Henie Irawati Al |
Influence of supplement book implementation with project-based learning model on student communiction skills in ethnobotanical courses
2021 |
Muhdhar, Mimien Henie Irawati Al |