L'Église Face Aux Crises Dynastiques en Moscovie : XVe-XVIIe s
2010 |
Gonneau, Pierre |
Muslim Iurts of Muscovy : Religious Tolerance of the Steppe in the XV-XVI Centuries
2010 |
Rachimzjanov, Bulat |
Von der Selbstfindung zur Selbstisolierung der russischen Orthodoxie : Zum Halleluja-Streit in Pskov
2010 |
Kämpfer, Frank |
Religioznyj dialog meždu angličaninom i pskovskim gorožaninom (1686-1687 gg.)
2010 |
Stefanovič, Petr Sergeevič |
«Kazackij bastion 17 veka» - vzgljad iznutri i snaruži
2010 |
Berezhnaya, Liliya |
O pervenstve Prostrannoj redakcii «Prosvetitelja» Iosifa Volockogo
2010 |
Alekseev, Aleksej Ivanovič |
Ein vergessener „Eiferer der Frömmigkeit" und Missionar : Daniil von Temnikov
2010 |
Lavrov, Aleksandr Sergeevič |
Vom Nutzen der Klausur : religiöse und gesellschaftliche Funktionen der Frauenklöster im Moskauer Reich
2010 |
Schmähling, Angelika |
Cerkovaja ierarchija v sisteme gosudarstvennoj vlasti Rossii i učreždenie patriaršestva
2010 |
Pavlov, Andrej Pavlovič |
Religioznyj faktor v russkoj vnešnej politike XVI veka : Ksenofobija, tolerantnostʹ ili pragmatizm?
2010 |
Filjuškin, Aleksandr Ilʹič |
Orthodoxy and Islam in Russia 988-1725
2010 |
Bushkovitch, Paul |
Power, Patronage, and Repression in the Church Regime of Patriarch Filaret (1619-1633)
2010 |
Michels, Georg |
How to Petition the Ruler : Communication and Ritual at the Moscow Court in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries from the Perspective of Religious Preconditions
2010 |
Garnier, Claudia |
Whose Cults are They? : the Local and Central Contexts of the Veneration of Saints Arsenii and Mikhail of Tver'
2010 |
Thyrêt, Isolde |
Izmenenija predstavlenij o vremeni v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XVII - načale XVIII v. (po perepiske monastyrskogo strjapčego)
2010 |
Sedov, Pavel Vladimirovič |
The Chudov Monastery and the Stepennaia Kniga
2010 |
Lenhoff, Gail |
Feodorit (Theodorit) Kol'skii : Missionary and Princely Agent
2010 |
Korpela, Jukka |
Essential Glue : Muscovy's Republic of Sacred Letters, Mid-XIV to Mid-XVI с
2010 |
Goldfrank, David |
Theological Dispute and Integration in Mid-XVIIth Century Muscovy : the Argument about Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and Negative Theology
2010 |
Berelowitch, André |
Donations and Commemoration in the Muscovite Realm - a Medieval or Early Modern Phenomenon?
2010 |
Steindorff, Ludwig |