Keeping it Human: A Focus Group Study of Public Attitudes Towards AI in Banking
2020 |
Aitken, Mhairi |
Making Picnic Feasible for Embedded Devices
2020 |
Winkler, Johannes |
Sandboxing the Cyberspace for Cybersecurity Education and Learning
2020 |
Karagiannis, Stylianos |
OR-Benchmark: An Open and Reconfigurable Digital Watermarking
2020 |
Wang, Hui |
Development of Trust Infrastructures for Virtual Asset Service Providers
2020 |
Hardjono, Thomas |
kUBI: A Framework for Privacy and Transparency in Sensor-Based Business Models for Consumers: A Pay-How-You-Drive Example
2020 |
Roth, Christian |
Systematic Scenario Creation for Serious Security-Awareness Games
2020 |
Hazilov, Vera |
CloudVaults: Integrating Trust Extensions into System Integrity Verification for Cloud-Based Environments
2020 |
Larsen, Benjamin |
Twizzle - A Multi-purpose Benchmarking Framework for Semantic Comparisons of Multimedia Object Pairs
2020 |
Escher, Stephan |
You’ve Got Nothing on Me! Privacy Friendly Face Recognition Reloaded
2020 |
Escher, Stephan |
Nothing Standard About It: An Analysis of Minimum Security Standards in Organizations
2020 |
Weidman, Jake |
IMC: A Classification of Identity Management Approaches
2020 |
Pöhn, Daniela |
Creative Toolkits for TIPS
2020 |
Collard, Helen |
Post-quantum Certificates for Electronic Travel Documen's
2020 |
Pradel, Gaetan |
Risk Assessment of Sharing Cyber Threat Intelligence
2020 |
Albakri, Adham |
ICITPM: Integrity Validation of Software in Iterative Continuous Integration Through the Use of Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
2020 |
Muñoz, Antonio |
Verifiable Contracting
2020 |
Goncalves, Sérgio Manuel Nobrega |
The Bigger Picture: Approaches to Inter-organizational Data Protection Impact Assessment
2020 |
Landuyt, Dimitri Van |
Analysing Simulated Phishing Campaigns for Staff
2020 |
Volkamer, Melanie |