The p-adic Height Pairings of Coleman-Gross and of Nekovár
2004 |
Besser, Amnon |
An Application of Exterior Square Functoriality of GL4; Asai Lift
2004 |
Kim, Henry H. |
Totally Real Integral Points on a Plane Algebraic Curve
2004 |
Laurent, Michel |
Diophantine Approximation in Small Degree
2004 |
Roy, Damien |
Equivariant Whitehead Torsion and Refined Euler Characteristics
2004 |
Burns, David |
An Extension of a Theorem of D. H. Lehmer
2004 |
Jones, Lenny |
Some Recent Results about (Ternary) Quadratic Forms
2004 |
Hanke, Jonathan |
On the Largest Prime Factor of a Mersenne Number
2004 |
Murata, Leo |
Hecke Operators and the q-Expansion of Modular Forms
2004 |
Ono, Ken |
A Fourteenth Lecture on Fermat's Last Theorem
2004 |
Darmon, Henri |
Questions about the Reductions Modulo Primes of an Elliptic Curve
2004 |
Cojocaru, Alina Carmen |
Period Polynomials for Fq of Fixed Small Degree
2004 |
Gurak, Stanley J. |
Number Fields with Large Class Group
2004 |
Duke, William |
On a Family of Real Bicyclic Biquadratic Fields
2004 |
Katayama, Shin-ichi |
Belyi Parametrisations of Elliptic Curves and Congruence Defects
2004 |
Khare, Chandrashekhar |
On the p-Adic Series Σ∞n=1nk.n!
2004 |
Murty, M. Ram |
An ABC Construction of Number Fields
2004 |
Roberts, David P. |
Compact Operators with Rational Generation
2004 |
Smithline, Lawren |
Mesure de Mahler et Régulateur Elliptique: Preuve de Deux Relations Exotiques
2004 |
Bertin, Marie José |
Dirichlet Series for Squares of Sums of Squares: A Summary
2004 |
Borwein, Jonathan Michael |