Formal Verification of COLREG-Based Navigation of Maritime Autonomous Systems
2020 |
Shokri-Manninen, Fatima |
Affine Systems of ODEs in Isabelle/HOL for Hybrid-Program Verification
2020 |
Munive, Jonathan Julián Huerta y |
Statically Checking REST API Consumers
2020 |
Burnay, Nuno |
Formal Verification of Human-Robot Interaction in Healthcare Scenarios
2020 |
Lestingi, Livia |
FRED: Conditional Model Checking via Reducers and Folders
2020 |
Beyer, Dirk |
End-to-End Verification of Initial and Transition Properties of GR(1) Designs in SPARK
2020 |
Humphrey, Laura R. |
Difference Verification with Conditions
2020 |
Beyer, Dirk |
Hoare-Style Logic for Unstructured Programs
2020 |
Lundberg, Didrik |
A Layered Implementation of DR-BIP Supporting Run-Time Monitoring and Analysis
2020 |
El-Hokayem, Antoine |
Multi-purpose Syntax Definition with SDF3
2020 |
Amorim, Luís Eduardo de Souza |
Finding and Fixing a Mismatch Between the Go Memory Model and Data-Race Detector: A Story on Applied Formal Methods
2020 |
Fava, Daniel Schnetzer |
Interoperability and Integration Testing Methods for IoT Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study
2020 |
Bures, Miroslav |
Model-Based Testing Under Parametric Variability of Uncertain Beliefs
2020 |
Camilli, Matteo |
A Formal Modeling Approach for Portable Low-Level OS Functionality
2020 |
Gomes, Renata Martins |
Synthesis of P-Stable Abstractions
2020 |
Becchi, Anna |
Sound C Code Decompilation for a Subset of x86-64 Binaries
2020 |
Verbeek, Freek |
Runtime Verification of Contracts with Themulus
2020 |
Garcia, Alberto Aranda |