Tertiary lignites of As Pontes (NW-Spain) - An example for the composition of bright coal layers and its implications for formation
1997 |
Hagemann, H. W. |
Organic petrology and organic geochemistry of selected lignites and bituminous coals from the Lena basin (Yakutia, Russia)
1997 |
Herd, KR. |
Low-rank coal formation in Poland and the United States: I. Zittau Basin, Poland
1997 |
Kasinski, J. R. |
Geochemistry of selected samples of peats from Paúl da Goucha (Alpiarca, Portugal)
1997 |
García, C. |
Optical and FTIR microscopy of vitrinite from Galanderud coal
1997 |
Machovic, V. |
Chemically modified coal macerals. Separation, density and surface area variations
1997 |
Dyrcacz, G. R. |
The paramagnetic characteristics of pyrolysis products for coals treated by alkali and acid
1997 |
Butuzova, L. |
Inverse gas chromatography determination of some physicochemical parameters of a high rank Colombian coal
1997 |
Baquero-Haeberlin, Ma. C. |
New experimental data in favour of the theoretical approach to chemical evolution of sapropelitic kerogen
1997 |
Rokosov, Yu. V. |
Specification of organic sulphur forms in low pyrite coals by atmospheric and high pressure temperature programmed reduction
1997 |
Brown, S. D. |
Structural study on Chinese bituminous Zao Zhuang coal
1997 |
Nomura, M. |
Production of humic and fulvic acids from different organic raw materials
1997 |
Silva, R. Muñoz da |
Chemical structure of artificial coals obtained from cellulose, wood and peat
1997 |
Sugimoto, Y. |
Effect of coal structure on thermal degradation of coal
1997 |
Mae, K. |
A new approach to coal structure
1997 |
Mastral, A. M. |
Sulphur compound types in Bulgarian lignite extracts
1997 |
Marinov, S. P. |
Solubilisation of lignite during oxydesulphurization in alkaline solutions
1997 |
Yaman, S. |
Mechanism of formation of methane, ethane and ethylene via the low temperature oxidation of steam coal
1997 |
Regev, D. |
Combustion behaviour of oxidized coals
1997 |
Rincón, J. M. |
Oxidative decomposition of formaldehyde catalyzed by coal UM
1997 |
Nehemia, V. |