Jorgen Hoffmann-Jorgensen (1942-2017)
2019 |
Marcus, Michael B. |
Geometry of enp -Balls: Classical Results and Recent Developments
2019 |
Prochno, Joscha |
Generalized Semimodularity: Order Statistics
2019 |
Pinelis, Iosif |
Asymptotic Behavior of Rényi Entropy in the Central Limit Theorem
2019 |
Bobkov, Sergey G. |
Universality of Limiting Spectral Distribution Under Projective Criteria
2019 |
Merlevède, Florence |
Uniform-in-Bandwidth Functional Limit Laws for Multivariate Empirical Processes
2019 |
Deheuvels, Paul |
Uniform in Bandwidth Estimation of the Gradient Lines of a Density
2019 |
Mason, David |
Polar Isoperimetry. I: The Case of the Plane
2019 |
Bobkov, Sergey G. |
A Probabilistic Characterization of Negative Definite Functions
2019 |
Gao, Fuchang |
Rearrangement and Prékopa-Leindler Type Inequalities
2019 |
Melbourne, James |
Uncertainty Quantification for Matrix Compressed Sensing and Quantum Tomography Problems
2019 |
Carpentier, Alexandra |
Moment Estimation Implied by the Bobkov-Ledoux Inequality
2019 |
Bednorz, Witold |
Iterated Jackknives and Two-Sided Variance Inequalities
2019 |
Bousquet, Olivier |
Higher Order Concentration in Presence of Poincaré-Type Inequalities
2019 |
Götze, Friedrich |
Remarks on Superconcentration and Gamma Calculus: Applications to Spin Glasses
2019 |
Tanguy, Kevin |
Permanental Processes with Kernels That Are Not Equivalent to a Symmetric Matrix
2019 |
Marcus, Michael B. |
Pointwise Properties of Martingales with Values in Banach Function Spaces
2019 |
Veraar, Mark |
Exchangeable Pairs on Wiener Chaos
2019 |
Nourdin, Ivan |
Concentration Inequalities for Randomly Permuted Sums
2019 |
Albert, Mélisande |