A Study of Symmetry Breaking Predicates and Model Counting
2020 |
Wang, Wenxi |
Simple Strategies in Multi-Objective MDPs
2020 |
Delgrange, Florent |
Partial Order Reduction for Deep Bug Finding in Synchronous Hardware
2020 |
Mann, Makai |
FIG: The Finite Improbability Generator
2020 |
Budde, Carlos E. |
Verifying Array Manipulating Programs with Full-Program Induction
2020 |
Chakraborty, Supratik |
Multi-agent Safety Verification Using Symmetry Transformations
2020 |
Sibai, Hussein |
Discourje: Runtime Verification of Communication Protocols in Clojure
2020 |
Hamers, Ruben |
AVR: Abstractly Verifying Reachability
2020 |
Goel, Aman |
Revisiting Underapproximate Reachability for Multipushdown Systems
2020 |
Akshay, S. |
Verified Certification of Reachability Checking for Timed Automata
2020 |
Wimmer, Simon |
A Calculus for Modular Loop Acceleration
2020 |
Frohn, Florian |
Mind the Gap: Bit-vector Interpolation recast over Linear Integer Arithmetic
2020 |
Okudono, Takamasa |
MUST: Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets Enumeration Tool
2020 |
Bendik, Jaroslav |
Assume, Guarantee or Repair
2020 |
Frenkel, Hadar |
Structural Invariants for the Verification of Systems with Parameterized Architectures
2020 |
Bozga, Marius |
Good-for-MDPs Automata for Probabilistic Analysis and Reinforcement Learning
2020 |
Hahn, Ernst Moritz |
Farkas Certificates and Minimal Witnesses for Probabilistic Reachability Constraints
2020 |
Funke, Florian |
Mora - Automatic Generation of Moment-Based Invariants
2020 |
Bartocci, Ezio |
Software Verification with PDR: An Implementation of the State of the Art
2020 |
Beyer, Dirk |
Automated and Sound Synthesis of Lyapunov Functions with SMT Solvers
2020 |
Ahmed, Daniele |