Thank you and goodbye
2021 |
Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. |
A bucket graph-based labeling algorithm with application to vehicle routing
2021 |
Sadykov, Ruslan |
The value of limited flexibility in service network designs
2021 |
Baubaid, Ahmad |
A Benders decomposition approach for the multivehicle production routing problem with order-up-to-level policy
2021 |
Zhang, Zhenzhen |
The joint network vehicle routing game
2021 |
Zon, Mathijs van |
Integrated planning for multimodal networks with disruptions and customer service requirements
2021 |
Wagenaar, Joris |
Quantile regression-based estimation of dynamic statistical contingency fuel
2021 |
Kang, Lei |
Intraroute resource replenishment with mobile depots
2021 |
Hof, Julian |
Integrated periodic timetabling and vehicle circulation scheduling
2021 |
Lieshout, Rolf N. van |
The robust traveling salesman problem with time windows under knapsack-constrained travel time uncertainty
2021 |
Bartolini, Enrico |
The robust vehicle routing problem with time window assignments
2021 |
Hoogeboom, Maaike |
The locomotive assignment problem with distributed power at the Canadian National Railway Company
2021 |
Ortiz-Astorquiza, Camilo |
A simulation-based heuristic to find approximate equilibria with disaggregate demand models
2021 |
Bortolomiol, Stefano |
A special case of the multiple traveling salesmen problem in end-of-aisle picking systems
2021 |
Baardman, Lennart |
Designing zonal-based flexible bus services under stochastic demand
2021 |
Lee, Enoch |
Robust tactical crew scheduling under uncertain demand
2021 |
Rählmann, Christian |
Robotic sorting systems : performance estimation and operating policies analysis
2021 |
Zou, Bipan |
Walk the line : optimizing the layout design of moving walkways
2021 |
Boysen, Nils |
A strategic Markovian traffic equilibrium model for capacitated networks
2021 |
Zimmermann, Maëlle |
A data-driven method for reconstructing a distribution from a truncated sample with an application to inferring car-sharing demand
2021 |
Fields, Evan Jerome |