A Breviary of Faith and a Sectarian Memorial : a New Reading of Ibn Sallāmʾ Kitāb (3rd/9th Century)
2015 |
Aillet, Cyrille |
L'évolution de la théologie ibāḍīte maghrébine d'après une épître hérésiographique de la fin du Ve/Xe siècle
2015 |
Amara, Allaoua |
The Ibāḍiyya in Muslim Sicily : from the Muslim Conquest to Lucera?
2015 |
Chiarelli, Leonardo C. |
La théologie ibadite : genèse, évolution et enjeux
2015 |
Al-Jabiri, Laroussi Mizouri-Farhat |
La notion de péché et le sort réservé à son auteur chez les ibāḍites des trois premiers siècles de l'hégire
2015 |
Bendrissou, Moustafa |
Anthropomorphism of the Divine as Metaphor in Early Ibāḍī Theology and Reformed Calvinism
2015 |
Leonard, Douglas |
The Theory of the Atom in the Ibāḍī, Ash'arite and Mu'tazilite Schools
2015 |
Ismail, Ahmed |
Ibāḍī Values and Modern Islam
2015 |
Higgins, Annie C. |
Ibāḍī Studies in Naples : Rereading the Works of Last Century Italian Scholars
2015 |
Francesca, Ersilia |
Moderation and Extremism in Early Ibāḍī Thought
2015 |
Wilkinson, John Craven |
Rereading Omani Siyar : Khālid b. Qaḥṭān
2015 |
Radivilov, Danylo |
Ibāḍī 'aqida-s in Berber
2015 |
Di Tolla, Anna Maria |
Jihād and Kharijism : a Note
2015 |
Scarcia Amoretti, Biancamaria |
Un manuscrit inédit d'hérésiographie : le Mabḥath al-firaq (Recherche sur les sectes) du shaykh Aṭfayyish (m. 1914)
2015 |
Bouchiba, Farid |
Early Ibāḍiyya in Comparative Perspective
2015 |
Al-Sayyid, Ridwan |
Ibāḍism and the Creation of the Qurʾān
2015 |
Sālimī, ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmān Ibn-Sulaimān as- |
The Theology of Human Actions: Imposing the Impossible : Al-taklīf and its Problems among the Ibāḍis
2015 |
Dridi, Moez |
The Concepts of walāya, barāʾa and wuqūf among the 2nd/8th-3rd/9th Centuries Ibāḍis
2015 |
Kondō, Yohei |
Refuting the Vision of God in Ibāḍī Theology
2015 |
Hoffman, Valerie J. |
Shaykh Muḥammad b. Yūsuf Aṭfayyish : sa contribution au développement de la pensée théologique Ibadite
2015 |
Ouinten, Moustafa |