User-Centered Risk Communication for Safer Browsing
2020 |
Das, Sanchari |
Cue Utilization, Phishing Feature and Phishing Email Detection
2020 |
Bayl-Smith, Piers |
In Our Employer We Trust: Mental Models of Office Workers’ Privacy Perception
2020 |
Tolsdorf, Jan |
Fixing the Fixes: Assessing the Solutions of SAST Tools for Securing Password Storage
2020 |
Tupsamudre, Harshal |
Incorporating Psychology into Cyber Security Education: A Pedagogical Approach
2020 |
Taylor-Jackson, Jacqui |
Origami Voting: A Non-cryptographic Approach to Transparent Ballot Verification
2020 |
Blanchard, Enka |
Characterizing Types of Smart Contracts in the Ethereum Landscape
2020 |
Angelo, Monika di |
Bypassing Non-Outsourceable Proof-of-Work Schemes Using Collateralized Smart Contracts
2020 |
Chepurnoy, Alexander |
A Blockchain Based Approach to Resource Sharing for Compositional Contracts in Smart Neighbourhoods
2020 |
Venkateswarlu, Kumaramangalam Muni |
The Effects of Cue Utilization and Cognitive Load in the Detection of Phishing Emails
2020 |
Nasser, George |
Dis-Empowerment Online: An Investigation of Privacy-Sharing Perceptions and Method Preferences
2020 |
Coopamootoo, Kovila P. L. |
Exploring Effects of Auditory Stimuli on CAPTCHA Performance
2020 |
Berg, Bruce |
Effectiveness of Multi-stakeholder Discussions for Decentralized Finance: A Conference Report of CoDeFi 2020
2020 |
Matsuo, Shin'ichiro |
Multistakeholder Governance for the Internet
2020 |
Suzuki, Shigeya |
Securing Cryptocurrency Exchange: Building up Standard from Huge Failures
2020 |
Suga, Yuji |
Short Paper: Mechanized Proofs of Verifiability and Privacy in a Paper-Based E-Voting Scheme
2020 |
Zollinger, Marie-Laure |
Sets of Half-Average Nulls Generate Risk-Limiting Audits: SHANGRLA
2020 |
Stark, Philip B. |
Vote Selling Resistant Voting
2020 |
Boyd, Colin |
Performance of Shuffling: Taking It to the Limits
2020 |
Haenni, Rolf |
Smart Contract Development from the Perspective of Developers: Topics and Issues Discussed on Social Media
2020 |
Ayman, Afiya |