Quote Surfing in Music and Movies with an Emotional Flavor
2020 |
Serra, Vasco |
Memorable and Emotional Media Moments: Reminding Yourself of the Good Things!
2020 |
Chambel, Teresa |
Stuck in Limbo with Magical Solutions: The Testers’ Lived Experiences of Tools and Automation
2020 |
Evans, Isabel |
Experiences in Designing HCI Studies for Real-time Interaction across Distributed Crowds and Co-located Participants
2020 |
Curmi, Franco |
Using the Toulmin Model of Argumentation to Explore the Differences in Human and Automated Hiring Decisions
2020 |
Bubakr, Hebah |
High Dynamic Range: Where to next?
2020 |
Chalmers, Alan |
Experimental Pitfalls
2020 |
Purchase, Helen |
User Time Spent between Persuasiveness and Usability of Social Networking Mobile Applications: Patterns of Influence
2020 |
Bedjaoui, Mohammed |
Automatic Detection of Epileptic Spikes in Intracerebral EEG with Convolutional Kernel Density Estimation
2020 |
Gardy, Ludovic |
Effect of User Roles on the Process of Collaborative 2D Level Design on Large, High-resolution Displays
2020 |
Sigitov, Anton |
Dynamic Visualization System for Gaze and Dialogue Data
2020 |
Kvist, Jonathan |
Hints of Uncanny Utterances in a Disrupted Interaction Continuum
2020 |
Occhiuto, Daniele |
The Computing Challenges of Mixed-Reality
2020 |
Steed, Anthony |
Controlling Image-Stylization Techniques using Eye Tracking
2020 |
Söchting, Maximilian |
Investigating the Semantic Perceptual Space of Synthetic Textures on an Ultrasonic based Haptic Tablet
2020 |
Dariosecq, Maxime |
Hand Gesture Recognition based on Near-infrared Sensing Wristband
2020 |
Maereg, Andualem T. |
User-centered Approach to Developing Solutions for Electronic Medical Records: Extending EMR Data Entry
2020 |
Cruz, Viktor Mikhael M. Dela |
Assessing the Usability of Different Virtual Reality Systems for Firefighter Training
2020 |
Corelli, Fabrizio |
How Auditory Information Presentation Timings Affect Memory When Watching Omnidirectional Movie with Audio Guide
2020 |
Hirabayashi, Rinki |
Towards a Virtual Coach for Boccia: Developing a Virtual Augmented Interaction based on a Boccia Simulator
2020 |
Calado, Alexandre |