Fenced out : the impact of border construction on US-Mexico migration
2020 |
Feigenberg, Benjamin |
The elasticity of science
2020 |
Myers, Kyle |
Healthcare demand under simple prices : evidence from tiered hospital networks
2020 |
Prager, Elena |
Estimating adjustment frictions using nonlinear budget sets : method and evidence from the earnings test
2020 |
Gelber, Alexander M. |
Do energy efficiency investments deliver at the right time?
2020 |
Boomhower, Judson |
Crafting intellectual property rights : implications for patent assertion entities, litigation, and innovation
2020 |
Feng, Josh |
Un-fortunate sons : effects of the Vietnam draft lottery on the next generation's labor market
2020 |
Goodman, Sarena |
All the single ladies : job promotions and the durability of marriage
2020 |
Folke, Olle |
Compliance behavior in networks : evidence from a field experiment
2020 |
Drago, Francesco |
Gender homophily in referral networks : consequences for the medicare physician earnings gap
2020 |
Zeltzer, Dan |
Do management interventions last? : evidence from India
2020 |
Bloom, Nicholas |
The impact of information technology on the diffusion of new pharmaceuticals
2020 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph |
Politics in the family : nepotism and the hiring decisions of Italian firms
2020 |
Gagliarducci, Stefano |
Place, peers, and the teenage years : long-run neighborhood effects in Australia
2020 |
Deutscher, Nathan |
Energy cost pass-through in US manufacturing : estimates and implications for carbon taxes
2020 |
Ganapati, Sharat |
The long-run dynamics of electricity demand : evidence from municipal aggregation
2020 |
Deryugina, Tatyana |
Women's empowerment in action : evidence from a randomized control trial in Africa
2020 |
Bandiera, Oriana |
Tipping and the effects of segregation
2020 |
Böhlmark, Anders |
Educational investment responses to economic opportunity : evidence from Indian road construction
2020 |
Adukia, Anjali |
Prestige matters : wage premium and value addition in elite colleges
2020 |
Sekhri, Sheetal |