Positronium Negative Ions: The Simplest Three Body State Composed of a Positron and Two Electrons
2020 |
Nagashima, Yasuyuki |
Energy Levels of Excitons in Square Quantum Wells
2020 |
Belov, Pavel A. |
Potential Splitting Approach for Atomic and Molecular Systems
2020 |
Yarevsky, Evgeny |
Fragmentation Dynamics of Atomic and Molecular Clusters
2020 |
Méry, A. |
Few-Body Reactions and Processes in Neutron Star Envelopes
2020 |
Takibayev, N. |
Five-Nucleon Systems with an Hyperspherical Harmonic Method
2020 |
Dohet-Eraly, Jérémy |
S-factor and Scattering Parameters from 3He + 4He — 7Be + y Data
2020 |
Zhang, Xilin |
Beryllium-9 in Cluster Effective Field Theory
2020 |
Andreatta, Paolo |
Microscopic Optical Potentials from First Principles
2020 |
Rotureau, J. |
Glauber Model Analysis for the 22C Nuclear Radius
2020 |
Nagahisa, T. |
Radiative 3He(2H,y)5Li Capture at Astrophysical Energy and its Possible Role in Accumulation of 6Li at the BBN
2020 |
Dubovichenko, S. B. |
The Quest for New Data on the Space Star Anomaly in Pd Breakup
2020 |
Wilczek, A. |
Three-Body Approach to Deuteron-Alpha Scattering Using Realistic Forces in a Separable or Non-separable Representation
2020 |
Hlophe, L. |
Complex-Range Gaussians as a Basis for Treatment of Charged Particle Scattering
2020 |
Sailaubek, D. A. |
Approximate Sum Rule for the Electric Dipole Moment of Light Nuclei
2020 |
Yamanaka, Nodoka |
Low-Energy QCD Research at TUNL
2020 |
Howell, Calvin R. |
Few-Nucleon Reactions in Underground Laboratory
2020 |
Formicola, Alba |
How to Use Renormalization Group Analysis in Lattice Nuclear Effective Field Theory
2020 |
Harada, Koji |
Momentum Distributions in 3He with Chiral Potentials
2020 |
Marcucci, L. E. |
Relation Between Scattering Amplitude and Bethe-Salpeter Wave Function Inside Interaction Range
2020 |
Yamazaki, Taneshi |